Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Where the TAC will eventually go!!

So it looks like telnet gets a couple more days!!! Since the eraccess code wasn't tested correctly and was missing functionality. So now vendors are racing to RCI which will cost them four times as much money and will give a fraction of the data they are getting. Which of course they will pass the expense to the dealer. Oh yeah they can't disclose the amount that reynolds is charging them. Also interesting is any product that bobo has will cost less than any of these vendors..How convenient...So basically if you refuse to buy a bobo product and go for a competitor bobo still gets a considerable share. So on Jan 18 2011 TAC will get loaded with calls. I think every dealer should call support complaining and basically shutdown the TAC on the 18th. That would be great!!!!


  1. You think someone from India would lower themselves and work for Bob?

  2. TAC, start practicing your lines - these are from Willy Wonka but they'll work in this situation as well...

    "It's all there, black and white, clear as crystal! You get nothing! You lose! Good day, sir!"

  3. "You think someone from India would lower themselves and work for Bob?"

    Are you kidding Bobo won't outsource to India he would have to pay them too much!

  4. " Thank you for calling UCS Prime Support my name ees Peggy"

  5. Well we seem to be focused on TAC but right around the corner is NADA when Reynolds is;

    1.Losing on average 100+ customers per month
    2.ADP and Dealer Tracks installation backlog is at all-time highs due to the Reynolds customer base exodus.
    3.Reynolds continues to shoot themselves in the foot when they release software.
    4.They have a new President who brings absolutely no strength or wisdom to the position.
    5.Since the UCS acquisition they have lost close to 50 percent of their customer base.
    6.They have lost but just a few of the top 100 dealers in the market.
    7.They are in a death spiral concerning manufacturer relationships.
    8.They have lost every major customer service award ratings once held.
    9.They have decimated the intellectual employee capitol once held within the industry. All of them now work for the competition.
    10.Their Dayton facility is a ghost town compared to 4 years ago.

    We can’t wait to see the marketing spin going into NADA with all of these major accomplishments to date. I bet the sales department can’t wait to paint targets on their suits going into this year’s convention.

  6. Fucking this up has been the plan from day one.

    1) Before you even count interest, URey will need to collect an additional 400 to 800K from each rooftop to payback over 1B of debt. That's additional!

    That's around 4 to 6 years depending on how many dealers DON'T get that sudden rush of sanity and run like hell.

    By then, bobo will be over 75. How much could he possibly care about this. He's just having fun helping an old competitor die a horrible death.

    God help you all.

  7. I heard that at NADA they will be handing out bags to the remaining Reynolds customers and employees so they can wear over their heads as they walk through the aisles. The competitor’s will hold sales drawings twice each day at their booths and if your customer name is pulled they will bump your conversion date up to 90 days after the show at no additional charge.

  8. So much for us dealers being "The Boss". Mr. Brockman is shoving this new ERA product right up our ass.

  9. If there are any dealers reading this message please realize that you are still the boss. Reynolds upper management needs to hear your complaints and problems with ERA Access. Complaining to the TAC is not helping the issue. The complaint goes to the manager and it stops there it goes no further. TAC management is afraid to stand up to the VP's.

    Do not let this faulty program ruin your dealership productivity!

  10. "Reynolds upper management needs to hear your complaints and problems with ERA Access"

    What are you smoking? It is absolutely ridiculous to think that they don't already know what is happening. The client base is falling off fast and it's hard to find a dealership that doesn't outwardly voice their complaints to anyone that will listen.

    Our dealership productivity is already ruined. We can't choose the vendors we want to do business with! How does a small business like a dealership take a chance on new technology when Reynolds won't return a prospective service providers call unless they have more than 150 dealers?

    We are crippled out here. Simply because we bought what was at one time, the best DMS available. Now look at us. We're left with a system that we can't access and a supplier that won't help us.

    I won't even talk about how the costs keep going up. There is no need to accuse you all of being stupid. That would be a gift - your management knows what it is doing to us. They are not stupid. They are just plain arrogant.

    If you think for one minute that they don't know - wake up!

  11. I'm voicing my concerns at NADA. I know their new president will be there with lips puckered.

  12. Looks like Pinocchio is going to be very busy fending off their latest stupidity play pre-NADA (ERA ACCESS). I am sure you all can sleep well knowing Pinocchio’s extensive experience as a leader will allow him to masterfully navigate you all through this storm! Hopefully he will take his sidekicks Bates and Schaefer to the show to help shovel the ERA ACCESS/RCI crap out of the Reynolds booth that is about to be deposited. I wonder if Bob will go to NADA or leave the dirty work to his new protégés.
    Looks like this customer quote best supports Bob’s latest business strategy, STUPID IS AS STUPID DOES!
    “Our dealership productivity is already ruined. We can't choose the vendors we want to do business with! How does a small business like a dealership take a chance on new technology when Reynolds won't return a prospective service providers call unless they have more than 150 dealers? We are crippled out here. Simply because we bought what was at one time, the best DMS available. Now look at us. We're left with a system that we can't access and a supplier that won't help us.”
    Get your bags ready! It’s going to be a long 4 days in beautiful San Francisco. Looks like the latest move should be the catalyst to update the for sale sign out front too, “REDUCED PRICE”, come one call all!

  13. "Now look at us. We're left with a system that we can't access and a supplier that won't help us.”

    "Aw.. shut up, pretty woman," said the reptile with a grin
    "you knew darn well I was a snake before you took me in"

  14. It’s hard to continue to be sympathetic to your continued demise. When for years you seen this coming and yet you all stick your head in the sand thinking it will pass. Bob Brockman’s track record and business ethics have been now by all for years and is well documented. So stop bending over get up dust yourselves off and get out. You all are looking so pathetic and shameful.

  15. In your opinion how much do you think Reynolds is worth right now?

  16. Most likely less than the loan value. Otherwise bobo would have gone thru with the sale last month.
    With some luck he is stuck with a nasty debt he can't shake until he dies.

  17. 692M Give or take 30M

    That was the problem.

  18. Before Brockman 2 billion
    After Brockman 600-700 million without POWER.

    Reynolds would have a fighting chance if Brockman and his team exit the building.

  19. The house would have to be cleaned well below Brockman and his boys; You would have to definitely get rid of Pinocchio(Lamb), and Bates to start with. Than hire back some true leaders who help build Reynolds and let them clean the remaining cob webs out of the closet starting with Strasberg, Schaefer and all there Product Management flunkies who are there only because they can’t get work elsewhere.

  20. "In your opinion how much do you think Reynolds is worth right now? "

    Absolutely nothing since Bobo came to town. He makes Buzz look like and angel.

  21. Just fucking great. 137 systems got a standard windows update. 137 needed to reboot afterwards but did not because of your poorly implemented terminal program. This resulted in 200 calls to our helpdesk this morning.

    This is where you are really starting to fuck things up. Your software can be SHITTY or it can be OVERPRICED - but when you make it BOTH, we can't earn the money to pay you.

    I thought you were smarter than that.

  22. They are very smart, you on the other hand is quite stupid remaining a Reynolds customer. Overpriced, Shitty software and you keep them as your vendor. Stupid is as stupid does. The only people more stupid are the people who remain employed at that god forsaken hell hole!

  23. "you on the other hand is quite stupid" Maybe for you, it should be phrased "Stupid ARE as stupid does"

  24. Keep in mind that the only reason for eraccess is to stop telnet. Which is what all your 3rd party vemdors where using to interface. Rather then pay the Bobo ransom.

    And for those that think that there ok because there vendor is going to be RCI. Get ready to pay a bobo tax!!! (Which will be anywhere from $200-700 or more per month) It's really hard to say how much more since rci's pricing is all based on whether or not the vendor competes with reynolds. Also they can't disclose what the actual cost is....

    So if you have let say 3 3rd party vendors you may be paying about $1400 more a month to reynolds indirectly. But it's worth it for the security.... (the financial security of reynolds that is)

    Bobo may just become salesman of the year for his competitors 3yrs in a row!!!!

  25. When Bob first bought us, he told us how much he hated ADP. He even held up a copy of the lawsuit brought on by ADP against him from back in the 70s at 300 Club. Well, as it turned out, Bob lied about hating ADP more than Reynolds...if he really hated them so much he would have bought ADP and put them through all the hell we've endured.

  26. Instead he helped ADP grow!!

  27. Nothing new Bob destroys and all around him grow. So do you want to remain a leeches host or go to the light and begin the repair and start to grow as well?

  28. Telnet gets a stay of execution.. for 24 hours...lol... I see they can't even stick to thier deadlines..lol.

  29. I've talked to at least 14 dealers in SET and they are all having problems with ERA access. The list is getting bigger.

  30. John Boehner will vote on the repeal of health reform -- moving to end the law that keeps insurance companies in check.

    Thanks Ohio

  31. I've been in the dealership all night trying to get this shit fixed. I have 28 workstations that cannot connect to ERAccess, and we've been having this problem for a weel. Someone's going to have hell to pay tomorrow in the TAC or whereFUCKINGever I'm getting help from, I don't give a FUCK if I have to scream at Brockman directly about it. Can someone give me a number to reach him directly? The fucking morons at the 800 number aren't worth a shit.

  32. Describe your problems - maybe we can help.

  33. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  34. I heard bobo will actually be in the TAC this week, so try asking for him when you call...

  35. For those dealerships who waited till the last possible moment to implement ERA Access and you are having issues I have no sympathy if you are whining about not getting it installed or working since you had plenty of time to do this, Everyone at the TAC and in the field has been working hard to get this completed and I knw the field techs have been offering their assistance but some dealerships either refused it or abused it and did not want to get involved in it when it was their responsibility in the first place. Now you can explain to your boss why this was not done sooner and why you waited till the last possible moment. Yes the TAC is overwhelmed and doing the best they can with what they know and learn while trying to help you.

  36. The TAC can't do a fucking thing. They create this PMR(?) for this crappy program and we NEVER hear from them again. Its been going on with my dealership since November.

  37. The frontline has there hands tied and everytime I call in I ask to speak to a backline person as they are the ones who handle the issues and 90% pf the time they get it fixed for me. Also when a PMR is submitted it is for a reason not just to pacify a customer but to get a problem resolved. The dealerships I take care of do have small problems but I have handled everyone so for and some of the problems are not even caused by era access but other issues the clients themselves have caused not to say you caused yours. Do you ask for a call back on these issues? I do work for Reynolds and believe in customer service but when a client is pissed off and fed up nothing we say or do will help because of the mindset of the client. I could fix your problem and still they would find something to complain about like Brockman did this or Bob did that. You can't please everyone all the time and some you can never please. Sorry to sound like I am ranting but we have to deal with the same issues you do and we are generally the last to know about them and by that time we catch hell and I hope our clients realize that.

  38. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  39. Damn right "go Ohio". Not only did Ohio correctly move sharply to republicans but due largely to lousy programs run by democrats Ohio will lose a congressional seat in 2012. Sounds like Ohio has learned a lesson the hard way. So, anybody want to bet WHICH congressman gets axed in the redistricting? MY guess is the little tin-hat wearing weasel in Cleveland. BOO HOO!

  40. This was part of the discussion from over a month ago...

    Start of Paste.............................

    "if there are any dealers out there who have not installed era access do not install it. Wait until the absolute last minute. Then hopefully they'll have their act together"

    What kind of advice is that?

    I hate EA -but what happens if you wait and end up with most or all of your users installing that complete P.O.S. at the last minute.

    You think support is bad now, wait until the TAC is getting calls from all the others that held out too.

    Waiting until the last minute to load ERAccess may be like being able to plan when your car will overheat and selecting the time when you are on the expressway at rush hour for it to happen.

    Do it now and deal with it. Do you really think there is much that engineering can do in the next two weeks to make the program that much better?

    Besides, resistance is futile...

    End of paste.............

    1) ERAccess still sucks. They did nothing to improve it.

    2) Those who waited are in a panic.

    3) The TAC is not going to be much help. They're swamped.

    4) Resistance was "futile".

    What on earth did you think would happen if you waited? Shame on you.

  41. The concept of dealers waiting until the last minute to install new s/w is not a new one. In the old R&R this happened all the time with the same results: panic calls to the TAC. The difference then was that the TAC could actually help the customer and there was no "Texas control" in the mix to slow things down.

    Dealers will never learn and similar results could (and do) occur with any competitor's s/w loads as well.

    Additionally, there is a post on here that is opbviously from a dealer based n/w person who waited and got caught with a mess. No surprise that person would transfer the blame to Reynolds and the dealer is probably fooled by this due to ignorance of the subject matter. During my 25 career with R&R (now retired) I met plenty of dealer employees who messed stuff up all the time and blamed us. The dealer always took the side of his employee and no amount of proof or logic could convince him he had an idiot working there. No one wants to admit they have a bad employee especially when it is very easy to blame the computer company that is "screwing" him with high monthly fees. In all the dealer accounts I worked with only a small handful of dealer based computer "experts" were really good at the job. Many were rejects from other industries where they had already failed and many were simply lazy and didn't want to go out and try for a real job working for people who would know how imcompetent they were.

    I know there are several dealers who read this site that won't like my comments. My suggestion is to start paying more attention to what your high priced network engineer is doing while on your clock. You might just be surprised how dumb he is.

  42. You clearly must be a customer service retiree. What else would explain your total cover your ass comments.

  43. My problem is with Windows 7 and EA.

    The TAC doesn't even have machines to test EA with. The TAC rep I spoke to said she has ERA access and she is not having problems. I asked her what OS she was running and she said XP. I told her to test it on Windows 7 - "We don't have Windows 7 machines here." Ok, do you have a test center that can look at this? Then I get the PMR bullshit after ok, UMmm, ahh, and ouch! Is she researching or catching an orgasm.

    My questions,
    Has EA been tested with Windows 7? Yes or No
    Does it support x64 or x32?
    What do you do with disconnects?

    I did not have these problems with ERAlink. There is a major malfunction with the program. I didn't wait until the last minute. I had this done since mid December but the problems still exist.

    There is no need to answer any of my questions. This blog will not address my issues especially from the retired Reynolds cheerleader.

    But mark my words - TAC, Bates, EA programmers, Lamb and the old guy in the background calling all the shots from his LiftChair with his 31 year old wife.

    "Everyday I have a problem with EA that is not resolved within a timely manner, I will be getting a refund for that month - GUARANTEED!"

    LOL!!! Good luck with that jerkoff.

  45. There is no luck in it. I'm the customer and MY employer is still paying the bills. GUARANTEED!

    "Jerkoff" is what happens when you have little to contribute on this blog.

  46. All of the seasoned people that BoBo laid off would have regression tested this P.O.S. so that it didn't fall in the laps of the dealers to test. These were non development personnel. Doesn't matter what the current Reynolds employees or management say, the customer is right. They are the reason you have jobs period! That is why Reynolds is going down the tubes. Too bad, because it used to be such a great company overall!

  47. "the old guy in the background calling all the shots from his LiftChair with his 31 year old wife. "


  48. "My problem is with Windows 7 and EA"

    1) I have not loaded EA in W7 yet. But if I had problems with W7 (almost always related to "CAS") I would load the XP Compatibility (or XP Virtual) option. For many copies of W7, it's a free download from microsoft.

    2) If you think you'll get a single penny back from bobo, don't worry about the suggestion above - just get help.

  49. Your missing my point.

    Windows XP came out back in 2001. TAC is using Windows XP.

    My company installed 200+ Windows 7 PC's and the TAC is unable to support us.

    Notice I said nothing about EA.

  50. Well the beat goes on. Bob and his boys making a killing and now he get the customers to test his software. All going to NADA you better take more than one bag to put over your head. You are going to need it. Come to think about it maybe you should take some plastic to wear over your suits as well.

  51. NADA 1988 was an especially brutal one due to the fact R&R released ERA before it actually worked. The convention became a place to bitch about how shitty the product was and the result was a much better product within about 18 months. It worked out because R&R was then a very customer focused organization. However, today, UREY is a very bobo-focused organization and it will do little good to go there and complain.
    That said, I hope the booth is absolutely over-run with pissed off dealers looking to cut off the head of RON LAMB. That's right, RON LAMB. Why do you think bobo made him president? Bobo doesn't want to take the heat for his failures anymore. He's too old and too frail. so, RON LAMB will be the whipping boy for all this crap. Make him earn is very large salary.

    It won't fix the problem but it will help your mental health to send him back to the hotel each night a beaten man.

  52. Would love to be a fly on the wall at NADA this year - - -

  53. Pinocchio will go back to his room each night cleaning the crap off and smiling all the way to the bank. Bob entire executive teams job one is to deflect all the pain and suffering from him and nothing more.

  54. Well there are some things you can do that may help you get some satisfaction. I know somebody very interested in hearing the issues that dealers are having. Email me with some of your issues and i will let you know who to contact.

  55. Ok i know that there are a lot of politics going on in this country right now. But this is not the forum for it!!!!

    So please keep the comments to the subject at hand and not rambling about politics.

    I will be removing comments that don't pertain to the subject.

  56. "Your missing my point"

    Let's review something here as "Your grasp of even the most basic conventions of grammar make you look stupid"

    See, that would be totally dumb if I had written "You're grasp of even the most basic conventions of grammar make you look stupid"

    Or even worse: "You are grasp of even the most basic conventions of grammar make you look stupid"

    Aside from that point, your rant titled "My problem is with Windows 7 and EA" that mentions EA 4 (four) times, was not about EA? Wow!

    If that's true, then your post is really all about your (not you're) discovery (or in your situation, the revelation) that the TAC does not use or have a way to test the software they provide you in Windows 7.

    What did you expect? XP came out in 2001 but ERA was out in 86. Maybe the old, spliced together, patched in place, cross compiled collection of absolute shit is not for you?

    I would like to point out that there are companies out there with newer stuff. You should go to the upcoming show and look for software that meets your standards.

    Or better yet, design your own system for your dealership.

  57. "What did you expect? XP came out in 2001 but ERA was out in 86. Maybe the old, spliced together, patched in place, cross compiled collection of absolute shit is not for you?"

    Your right if your talking about eralink? Which is really (wintergrate). But eraccess is version 6.2 which supports current OS's. The issue's they are having has to do with UCS code and not anything to do with eralink(wintergrate). I have worked with wintergrate during my time in IBM and i can tell you the software is QA'd on every OS. (now owned by somebody else)

    But reynolds decided to put a ton of overhead on top of the software that they created in the late 90's early 2000's for UCS. Rather then refresh the code to current standards.

    I don't expect anybody to believe me. Look for yourself!! Look under rey/bin look at the dates and copyrights of the dll's.

    And all this pain to keep 3rd parties from interfacing with the dms without paying him first. Because there is no enchancement for the dealer what so ever!! Just like protecting the dealers from wardialers in 2009!! FYI it's a little late for that security enchancement!!

    Besides if the dealer had a breach or problem with the modem they can just disconnect it or change numbers!!

    I'am not advocating that modems should not be removed. I'm just showing an example how reynolds is using security as the basis for changes that only benefit them.

  58. That is and will always be the prime directive for Bob Brockman products. He always develop products and security wrappers that will only benefit him. The days of focusing on the customer exited the building 4+ years ago.

  59. Since when did bobo's wife reverse her age back to 31? Was that an enhancement created in his lab down in TX?
    I'm pretty sure he is still married to the same woman he started out with and I bet she has little or nothing to do with his shitty business methods.

  60. There are over 114 registry changes in Windows 7 with ERAccess. When you try to remove the program the registry settings are still there. Its not even a clean uninstall. As the systems admin said previously, who writes the code for this product?


  61. "Your missing my point.

    Windows XP came out back in 2001. TAC is using Windows XP.

    My company installed 200+ Windows 7 PC's and the TAC is unable to support us.

    Notice I said nothing about EA. "

    It's you're.

    The TAC can support it. Sounds like you can't.

  62. "It's you're."

    That's the TAC response I'm quite familiar with.

  63. It's an age old dilemma dealing with the struggle between the TAC and dealerships over s/w issues, especially when something new comes out and it does not work very well. This was a constant problem in the old R&R as the company had a s/w development team that did not have any checks & balances. Some would say service readiness was that check but we all know they were all buddies in crime and no one was about to throw their buddy under the bus.
    There was much talk when UCS bought us that shitty s/w would be a thing of the past. Visions of super disciplined developers enveloped in their own special world promised a much improved product. Sales was told to spread the word that the big positive in the takeover was no more broken products.
    So what happened? Why is there this huge discussion about ERA ACCESS and how lousy it is? What happened to the pampered, special-class development team UCS promised that would prevent such an atrocity from occuring?

    Bobo should be embarrassed by this release. Why isn't he lining up his developers for the whipping post? Who is responsible for telling him what a shitty job they did?

    Lammie-pie, are YOU listening? Are YOU going to take the heat at NADA? Will dealers swarm the booth with pitchforks and torches, demanding satisfaction?

    My guess is no. They don't have the balls. Most will simply take what they get and complain on this blog, to the account manger and others who can't do a damn thing to fix it. Go ahead dealers. Prove me wrong at NADA. A vat of tar and a bag of feathers costs very little. I'd love to see it.

  64. "Visions of super disciplined developers enveloped in their own special world promised a much improved product."

    They may be 'super disciplined' and 'in their own special world', but neither term means what you would assume it to mean.

    To say that the UCS developers, and their leadership in particular, are less than impressive would be an understatement. I honestly have no idea what they think they have to brag about when it comes to development.

  65. "Will dealers swarm the booth with pitchforks and torches, demanding satisfaction? My guess is no. They don't have the balls"

    Don't get your hopes up. It's not a matter of "balls". A "swarm" of dealers in the booth for any reason would be a positive sign for Urey as it's human nature to stand and fight for those things where we see value. I was at the show last year and did not see many pitchforks or torches. Other than URey people, the booth was empty. I would expect it to be even emptier this year.

    Other than the few that view a good confrontation as simply "sport", the dealers that flock to the booth to yell at bob and Ron are only going to do it if they see something worth fighting for - what would that be?

    To have hope at this point, a dealer would a) be a seriously loyal dealer that loves the system - there won't be much yelling from them or b) be a seriously trapped dealer with no other option -what would they have to loose by squeaking a little?

    URey should cherish those in group "a" and work to strengthen it's grip around the neck on those in group #b. Those are the best prospects.

    For most of the rest, URey can call it what they want but the practice of slashing the tires to keep the dealers from going elsewhere is nothing new to the car business and this practice will always be seen for what it is. A classless scam.

    They know that there is no reason tip their hand by venting steam in the booth as they are coming to the show to buy another system from "Abb" anyone but bobo no matter what and how long it takes to get it.

    It's going to be a great show for some. See you there.

  66. "Its not even a clean uninstall. As the systems admin said previously, who writes the code for this product? "

    Steve Volz, NPD

  67. The only people in the booth will be butt licking employees who are sent to the show to amuse bob for a few days. When not on duty the ones with a brain cell or two remaining will be networking hoping to find employment elsewhere.

  68. "Your missing my point.

    Windows XP came out back in 2001. TAC is using Windows XP.

    My company installed 200+ Windows 7 PC's and the TAC is unable to support us.

    Notice I said nothing about EA."

    I think "you're" missing the point.

    The TAC - the poor, pitiful, "support center" - doesn't support an operating system. It supports ERA and ERA applications. ERA applications are only supported to successfully work on an archaic version of Windows: XP. Therefore, you installing Windows 7 on all your pc's is not a URey problem. So really, you said EVERYTHING about EA.
    Pre-Bob Reynolds was somewhat bad about catching up on supporting newer versions of Windows, but USC was way, way worse about it. I don't even think they "supported" it at all - they had some sort of ancient programming language UI Bob probably authored in 1963. We'll only be supporting ERA on XP for 5 more years at least, I'm sure. Plus, there hasn't been a stable Windows OS since XP except for 7, and it will take years for us to catch up to that.

  69. If URey has Windows XP pc's set up as demos at NADA and every dealer that goes in that booth and doesn't pitch a fit doesn't deserve good customer service. And if they have Windows 7 pc's set up, that's double the reason to pitch a fit.

  70. "ERA applications are only supported to successfully work on an archaic version of Windows: XP. Therefore, you installing Windows 7 on all your pc's is not a URey problem. So really, you said EVERYTHING about EA."

    The Reynolds anti-virus program is not even supported on Windows 7. The computer retail industry is selling new PC's with Windows 7 not XP.

  71. Maybe we're all missing the point.

    As expensive as they are, a few more lawyers are cheaper than a development team. Why not change the contract wording to hold more hostages and pocket the development expenses until URey just sinks completely?

    Maybe it's like "re-arranging deck furniture on the Titanic".

  72. Some dealerships have already received refunds for problems with product development. Reynolds does not want to give refunds out to everyone so they are keeping it hush hush.

  73. Did everyone get the email mandate throughout the company?

    I know we are losing dealers everyday, problems with ERAccess, and lost the HP deal but this is the primary concern of Reynolds corporate.

    A fucking email signature.

  74. "Did everyone get the email mandate throughout the company?

    I know we are losing dealers everyday, problems with ERAccess, and lost the HP deal but this is the primary concern of Reynolds corporate.

    A fucking email signature."

    Amazing, isn't it?

    But just think of the millions we will save by only having a one-line signature for internal emails instead of the full multi-line external sig.

    I have no idea who comes up with shit like this, but they really need to be given to REAL work to do.

  75. I got a ton of cheese to go with all this whining

  76. Well here we are NADA right around the corner in SF. Expecting a great turn out at this location. Four full days filled with competition cherry picking the remaining Reynolds customers and laughing behind the scenes at all the Reynolds employees trying to look up beat at the booth while everyone feast on their stupidity.

  77. Per the Southwest Airline commercial..... (a likely conversation at NADA)

    "Your customer's are complaining about outrageous charges for your system. Who can afford these prices?"

    "I can."

    "Your competition charges little if anything for some of the items that you offer as add-ons to your system at additional charges. How do you explain this"

    "They like customers, I like cash"

  78. I feel sorry for those folks required to man the NADA booth this year. Especially those that will be monitored (hounded) by lammie-pie.

    It is up to the dealers to speak the truth.

  79. Useless Computer Systems.Useless Computer Systems.
    Useless Computer Systems. Useless Computer Systems.
    Useless Computer Systems. Useless Computer Systems

  80. Unprofitable Computer Systems with Expendable Reynolds Associates.

  81. Don’t feel a bit sorry for the NADA entourage they are handpicked butt kissers who earned their ticket by screwing many customers and back stabbing their way to the top. They are the next generation of soulless dicks being groomed to do all the dirty work for Pinocchio and Bob.

  82. to the poster who said "Don’t feel a bit sorry for the NADA entourage they are handpicked butt kissers who earned their ticket by screwing many customers and back stabbing their way to the top."

    Just because your product sucks at ADP and you got fired from here don't be angry just deal with your shitty product that doesnt work!

  83. Don't have much time to deal with our product issues right now. We are working overtime trying to meet the conversion demand brought on by all the Reynolds customers knocking at the door. Speaking of shitty products thanks for your contribution to our cause. ERA ACCESS and RCI! Keep up the good work!

  84. "Just because your product sucks at ADP and you got fired from here don't be angry just deal with your shitty product that doesnt work!"

    So their product sucks and our customers still can't leave fast enough. What does that tell you?

    Probably doesn't tell YOU much, given the stupidity of your initial statement, but it says a LOT about the current state of R&R.

  85. Wow! The whole attitude here sucks, who fucking cares if ADP's product sucks? point is Reynolds & Reynolds sucks, and is quickly being over run with idiots just a matter of time before it collapses. One thing Bobby Brockman and his ass clowns know how to do is destroy a corporation, the only thing holding Reynolds together is the contracts dealers have. Bobby had a hard time dealing with 5 years on a contract agreement, as UCS had customers locked in for 20 years and with no new business, Bob will be enforcing 10 year contracts as this is the only way he can keep customers.

  86. Has there been any progress on fixing all of the problems with ERACCESS?

  87. "Has there been any progress on fixing all of the problems with ERACCESS?"

    I can answer that. NO and just plain FUCK NO.


    What problems? it keeps the dealers from doing business with anyone but URey -is there a problem?

  88. There were no problems with ERAlink. Reynolds really fucked this one up. Bob or Lamb will be in Dayton this week. Hopefully this will be his hot topic in the Pitstop. I already have my visitor pass to attend.

  89. Has anyone heard what the 2011 Reynolds theme for the NADA conventions is yet? Rumor has it that it is; come to NADA’s most popular whining and cheese party! We will provide the cheese and it is BYOW (Bring your own whining) to the booth. Also Bob will be performing 3 puppet shows daily as he introduces you to Pinocchio.

  90. ERAccess got worse with the most recent updates. More systems failng to connect. Our dealership is crawling.

    Holy shit

  91. Great day.

    Our group has 4 dealerships on ERA with around 9 months left on our contract.

    Just heard we're switching to ADP. No discount, just an install date in 8 months.

    We're saving lots.

    Bye bye bobo.

  92. Hey your lucky to only have to wait 8 months. When NADA is over their Reynolds conversion dates will be well over a 12 to 18 months.

  93. http://www.benzinga.com/press-releases/11/01/p801259/automate-welcomes-new-national-sales-manager

    Auto/Mate has achieved an unprecedented average growth rate of 25% in the last five years as automotive dealers have switched from high-cost, legacy dealership management systems (DMS) to streamlined, efficient solutions that can reduce dealership technology costs as much as 50 - 75%.
    "I've admired Auto/Mate's innovative DMS solution for several years," said Heaton. "I look forward to being part of a company that listens and responds to its customers, and I'm excited to manage such a dedicated sales team."

    Read more: http://www.benzinga.com/press-releases/11/01/p801259/automate-welcomes-new-national-sales-manager#ixzz1CBZrGMTi

  94. The EraAccess update yesterday took my PC's down once again. Uninstall, Clean registry, Shut off firewall, shut off anti-virus, Reinstall Era Access, turn on firewall, turn on anti-virus.

    ..and that's just on 1 PC.

  95. Guess what is Bobo's number one troubleshooting technique for power is when clients are running slow?
    Uninstall power delete all folders and re-install again.
    You can use that for Era Access. If you don't like that then we put a dongle on your parallel port or we can get rid of your IFP and go to printer sharing.

  96. What is really sad about the comments made here is most want Reynolds to fail. Do you selfish assholes realize if that happened thousands of people would be out of work, but I guess not because you seem to not give a damn about anyone but yourself. If the majority of negative posters here would try to learn more about things and actually try to fix them instead of complaining then maybe everything would be smoother. I know when I call in to ask questions I do get some good help most of the time and if I don't I call someone else but regardless of how you feel about your employer no matter whom that may be your customers deserve and are paying for the best customer service you can give them. When I run into problems I attempt to learn all I can so I can fix it the next time without calling and I will pursue it to a higher source. So quit crying, whining and bitching and do your job and quit wishing the old Reynolds was still here because it isn't. Those who dwell on the past will never move forward.

  97. Thousands of people are already out of work because of Roberto Brockman. Its only going to get worse.

  98. "The EraAccess update yesterday took my PC's down once again. Uninstall, Clean registry, Shut off firewall, shut off anti-virus, Reinstall Era Access, turn on firewall, turn on anti-virus."

    You forgot the part about rebooting your PC twice before reinstalling ERAccess..

    This is really getting monotonous. The service techs get in first and my phone blows up once a week with problems on ERAccess. Plus I don't feel real comfortable shutting off my firewall and AV program just to reinstall.

    I'm starting to think ERAccess is a VIRUS.

  99. On the contrary we don’t want Reynolds to fail we want them to move back to solid business practices of making money by serving your customers and empowering your employees to do what is right. So far since the acquisition under this regime we have already lost thousands of employees and driven half of our customers to the exits. All employees that remain are told to shut-up and do what you’re told. All that remain are people who churn out products like ERA ACCESS and do nothing more than what they are told to do in order to remain employed. Yes our customers deserve better. So if you want better service and products maybe you should stop by the booth at NADA or call directly the owner (Bob) and you like all other will see the core of the problem. The body is driven by the head.

  100. "What is really sad"

    Lammie! Is that you?

  101. "What is really sad about the comments made here is most want Reynolds to fail."

    - URey fails on a continual basis; there is no need to "want" it to fail.

    "Do you selfish assholes realize if that happened thousands of people would be out of work, but I guess not because you seem to not give a damn about anyone but yourself."

    - You must be new here. Bobo has put thousands out of work, and his business practices are assuring that hundreds are put out of work each day.

    "If the majority of negative posters here would try to learn more about things and actually try to fix them instead of complaining then maybe everything would be smoother."

    - See previous comment. Many people, especially the backline associates, were either let go or found jobs elsewhere. They were extremely knowledgeable, and that had nothing to to with anything running smoother. What a naive concept.

    "Those who dwell on the past will never move forward."

    - Brockman runs this company like it's 1972, so you really are telling the wrong people.

  102. "What is really sad about the comments made here is most want Reynolds to fail...."

    So basically what you're saying is you have NO idea what is going on within the company. Got it.

  103. Chill out people. There isn't enough cheese on this earth for so much whine.

  104. "Chill out people. There isn't enough cheese on this earth for so much whine."

    That analogy never gets old with you does it? If you think it's whining, then stop fucking coming here. If you're a dealer who like it when Bob slides his man meat in your doo-doo walls, then by all means, remain a customer, because that practice isn't going to stop until this company goes under.

  105. I am so, so confused.

  106. John Shimp we really miss you.

  107. to
    "What is really sad about the comments made here is most want Reynolds to fail"
    Get out of Bob's ass and take a breath!
    And yes Bob needs to fail and leave the DMS industry.

  108. Yes, hopefully he will exit and some human being can go through the ruble and start the rebuild.

  109. Dream on if you people think that Bob is going to leave the DMS or even sell Reynolds. What's really sad is the employees are fearful for whats left of their career, and all free thinking and freedom of speech is gone, inovation and new ideas are a thing of the past.

  110. We told them time and again. Working at Reynolds and you are the walking dead! No future and all pain and suffering. Yet they still show up day in and day out.

  111. Maybe your new to the Reynolds blog so let me quote the previous topic again.

    ..."No, they're saying having a shitty job is better than living under a bridge and eating out of dumpsters."

  112. Well NADA just around the corner. All the Reynolds butt-kissers ready to storm the market with all your positive spins on why Reynolds is the place to be.LMAO!
    We can’t wait to see Pinocchio do his dance on stage. We wonder if Bob will remain behind the stage for the entire show or come out and take a bow a few times.

  113. How was the pitstop?

  114. I'm a former employee that was laid off and glad that I was. There is life after R&R. The duplicty of the admin work that we had to do, the covering your RSD's ass by doing the proper reporting is way behind me. That may be an easy thing for me to say in that I don't live in Dayton and was got another job quickly.
    I had a bunch of good years that I am thankful for. I've moved on to a great job with a great company. In my new job I work, I produce, I make a great living, I do a weekly sales report and have a life.
    Not real complicated. G-D help all of you that are still with the company. I truly feel sorry for you.

  115. As we see, nearly every post from an ex-employee has a positive ring to it. It fact, I can't remember a post that wasn't positive.
    Furthermore, nearly every post from a current employee is negative.
    So, what does that tell you?

  116. It tells you that "having a shitty job is better than living under a bridge and eating out of dumpsters."

    It also tells you that if the economy was better and there were more jobs available, there would be a lot more former employees and a lot fewer current employees.

  117. Being one of those unfortunate ones laid off from Reynolds, still out of work, & still stuck living in Dayton... please let me offer some advise to you folks still stuck working for Reynolds and the many asshole managers-
    Look for your new job before you leave or get kicked out the door because companies are being shitty when it comes to hiring the unemployed. Don't expect to have many similar job choices in Dayton and do expect a potential drastic decrease in your salary if you have been with Reynolds for a while. You likely don't have any of the in-demand tech skills that companies are looking for!! Good luck!

  118. You folks also might consider MOVING away from Dayton to an area that has better prospects for job hunting.
    Face it. Dayton as an employment hub is dead, dead, dead. Ohio, for that matter, is dead. Your population is shrinking. There is a reason why.

    Look elsewhere and you may just find what you are looking for.

  119. All good advice about Reynolds future and employment opportunities else where but your talking to mushrooms. They remain in the dark and are very please eating sh*t on a regular basis. They are turning out to be Bob's major asset over time.

  120. It is very nice of some of you idiots to point out the obvious about working at R&R and/or living in Dayton (or Ohio in general), but in case it doesn't occur to you, some people have situations that don't allow them to just pick up and leave because they want to.

    Sometimes you just have to suck it up and do what you need to do to get by until your situation changes enough to allow you to move out of an area.

    I know several people that are just dying to get laid off because at that point they will have to find another job and will probably have to move to do it. I guess if they weren't so whipped they just tell the husband/wife/significant other and kids to get lost and move for their own good, but so far things haven't got that bad for most of them.

  121. "How was the pitstop?"

    Sounds like it was about waste deep:

    "I’m absolutely convinced our future is as bright as it’s ever been for Reynolds and Reynolds. Our challenge as we invent our future is to continue the excitement...and continue to deliver results...every single day." - Ron Lamb

  122. or maybe 'waist' deep?

  123. "I’m absolutely convinced our future is as bright as it’s ever been for Reynolds and Reynolds. Our challenge as we invent our future is to continue the excitement...and continue to deliver results...every single day."

    He left out the part about how easy it is when you have employees that are continually willing to take it in the stinkhole, no matter what the cost, under Captain Shitshispants and His Main Minion Ronfuxsheeps. "Inventing the future" = "Making it up as we go along".

  124. "Making it up as we go along"

    Do you really think that this is being made up as you go along?

    The demise of Reynolds was planned before the takeover. Bob hated REY and ADP and everything about them. UCS shrank while they grew and to him, they did it with a an inferior product.

    He was beat around for years by both ADP and REY. He saw an opportunity to get revenge on REY at a time of weakness and he took it.

    If you don't think he would do something like this simply for sport, you don't know him.

  125. "I’m absolutely convinced our future is as bright as it’s ever been for Reynolds and Reynolds. Our challenge as we invent our future is to continue the EXCREMENT...and continue to deliver results...every single day." - Ron Lamb

  126. The key is who is "our", if it is Bob and Ron a very true statement. So to all the mushrooms remain on the lower levels and play with the rats, it is full steam ahead as the Titanic heads towards the ice berg.

  127. So is anyone looking to purchase Reynolds? Is it over with HP?

  128. Wait another year and you'll be able to buy it.

  129. In the meantime everybody you better reduce your expenses because your pay will shrink. Based on Ron's track record, customer revenue will continue to erode and he will tap into your salaries to prop up the profitability for the fire sale of the company. I am absolutely convinced we will be Ron's major source of profitability next year.

  130. The HP deal, if it ever was real, certainly seems to be dead. My guess is they decided the fruit was too rotten already.

  131. Anyone who ever worked with Ron Lamb or knows him fairly well realizes that he has every bit as much probability as bobo for being a total prick when it comes to people. Ron is completely out for himself and anyone getting in the way will be trampled. What's worse, he was never that good in sales (his closing efforts involved slashing the price to whatever the dealer would pay) or any of the token positions he held in the old R&R corporate sructure. Knowing this he must compensate somehow.

    At least brockman had some talent in the early days allowing hom to develop his own s/w and company. His problem is he never progressed out of the 70's.

  132. Your opinion of Ron is very astute. Many people who have worked with Ron quickly came to that same conclusion. When he was brought into Reynolds headquarters and put in numerous executive leadership roles everything he touched crashed and burned. Executive management then pulled him out of the main stream and put him in the closet in an individual marketing role. When the board brought Finn on board and they decided to shop the company they pulled numerous talking heads out of the closet to fill the interim executive roles until they found a buyer (Lamb, Mulcahey, Orrico, Moll, Grieshop, Strawsberg and Bates to name a few). Then along comes Bob who snaps up the company and these are just the type of leaders that Bob needed to help him dismantle this company. They just do what they are told and nothing more.

  133. We will look forward to hearing how Lamb spun the facts at NADA.

  134. It doesn’t matter what Lamb’s spin on the NADA will be. Also don’t think the bottom is in because you won’t see a spike in your normal 50+ per month customer defections because ADP and DealerTracks installation backlog is reaching their capacity thanks to Reynolds stupidity already. Your customers will be very tight lipped about their defection until they can lock in their conversion date. Reynolds NADA will be just like a normal UCS NADA quiet and lonely. Remember liars figure but figures never lie!

  135. We used to make fun of the old ucs booth while at NADA. There was never anyone in there except a few blue-suits. It always looked like the leftovers at a funeral. The R&R booth was always buzzing with excitement and anyone who worked there saw the time fly by.
    Funny how the pigeons come home to roost.

  136. "It is very nice of some of you idiots to point out the obvious about working at R&R and/or living in Dayton (or Ohio in general), but in case it doesn't occur to you, some people have situations that don't allow them to just pick up and leave because they want to."

    Well said. These people extolling the virtues of quitting URey and leaving Dayton are oblivious to the fact that some may have friends and loved ones here in Dayton. Oblivious, perhaps, because they have neither?

    (Yes, I'm speaking to you -- the guy who is still using the "mushroom" term.)

  137. Well do you have a better tag to describe a Reynolds employee?

    Mushrooms are good but the environment they live best describes Reynolds. In the dark and sh*t piled on top of you. What would you prefer the walking dead?

  138. Friends and loved ones don't pay the bills. Millions of folks all over the country relocate for job related reasons. They've done it for decades with great success. To say you cannot is simply cowardly. You're using family as an excuse for your own misery. You may as well admit you are afraid to make that change and would rather work for a crazy man than do it.

    Mushrooms? Perhaps. Fools would be more accurate.

  139. What if your 'loved one' happens to be your spouse and they make as much or more than you do and are happy with their job? Do I just tell them to fuck off and move? If they don't chose to quit their job to move with me, I guess I'm better off without them anyway. Same for those pesky kids that want to stay behind with the spouse. Sure, I'd have to pay a lot of child support and rarely get to see them, but I guess it is better than being belittled by clueless dipshits on an anonymous message board.

  140. No accept the fact that you are a mushroom or a fool! You pick the tag that best fits.

  141. If your spouse makes more than you then you have no problem. Quit and stay home with the kids and raise them.
    It's got to be more fullfilling than working for bobo and you'll be in a lower tax bracket.

  142. The longer you work for Reynolds your spouse will widen the gap on your pay difference. Your resume will become worthless and your technical skills will be useless working on 70's technology not to mention the stain on your character and personal net worth working for the worst company in the DMS marketplace. Go work for McDonalds at least you will have a bright future!

  143. @ NADA2011, were having dinner/drinks at Buca di Beppo listening to this Reynolds rep talking about Era access and how all of the issues are resolved. #whylie

  144. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  145. DealerTrack to Receive Certification to Securely Exchange Dealership Data between a Reynolds DMS and DealerTrack Inventory and F&I Solutions

    DAYTON, Ohio and LAKE SUCCESS, N.Y., Feb. 5, 2011 /PRNewswire/ -- The Reynolds and Reynolds Company and DealerTrack, Inc., today announced that the companies will develop new certified interfaces between their solutions, as part of the Reynolds Certified Interface (RCI) Program.

    Extending their long-standing relationship and commitments to providing the industry with compatible interfaces, the companies will develop certified interfaces between the Reynolds ERA® DMS and the DealerTrack AAX, eMenu and Salesmaker solutions. The new interfaces are in addition to certified interfaces with Reynolds' DMS and DealerTrack's credit application processing and eContracting solutions.

    The RCI Program provides a standardized approach to handling dealership data from a Reynolds DMS in a safe, secure, and verifiable manner, which improves the security and supportability of interfaces for both dealerships and third-party vendors.

    "Delivering secure and reliable certified interfaces between the various systems that a dealership may use is critical to their success and the smooth running of a dealer's operations," said Raj Sundaram, senior vice president, DealerTrack, Inc. "With this certification, we can ensure that our common dealer customers will be able to securely and seamlessly exchange information between DealerTrack's F&I solutions and the Reynolds ERA DMS platform."

    DealerTrack is committed to supporting dealers' technology needs through its OpenTrack program that enables secure, real-time and seamless integration between systems running in a dealership and DealerTrack systems and solutions.

    Since 2005, Reynolds and Reynolds has been working with dealerships, OEMs, and other software providers in the automotive industry on the safe, secure, and verifiable exchange of dealership data with a Reynolds DMS.

    "While Reynolds and DealerTrack remain competitors, cooperating on developing certified interfaces between our solutions is in the best interest of our mutual dealership customers," said Trey Hiers, vice president of Marketing for Reynolds. "And, that's who both our companies are serving in the most efficient and most effective ways possible. For Reynolds, this is one more example of our focus on developing the technologies that help improve dealership productivity and deliver results for dealers."

    The Reynolds approach to data management provides a number of methods for dealerships to work with the vendor of their choice in a safe, secure, and supported manner in handling dealership data. This includes the Reynolds Certified Interface (RCI) Program.

  146. Dear Pinnocchio--Hope you enjoy NADA........

    Well if you told me you were drowning
    I would not lend a hand
    I've seen your face before, "my friend"
    But I don't know if you know who I am
    Well I was there and I saw what you did
    I saw it with my own two eyes
    So you can wipe off that grin
    I know where you've been
    It's all been a pack of lies

    And I can feel it comin' in the air tonight, oh Lord
    I've been waitin' for this moment, all my life, oh Lord
    I can feel it, in the air tonight, oh Lord, oh Lord
    And I've been waitin' for this moment all of my life, oh Lord
    Oh Lord

    Well I remember, don't worry
    How could I ever forget?
    It's the first time and the last time we ever met

    But I know the reason why you keep your silence up
    No you don't fool me
    'Cause the hurt doesn't show
    The pain still grows
    It's no stranger to you and me

  147. talk about being "off topic". Holy shit!

  148. ohio jobs!
    from dayton daily news today-
    Ohio is plagued by modern-day slavery
    Updated 12:35 AM Sunday, February 6, 2011
    The state Attorney General’s Office says about 4,000 people are victims of human trafficking in Ohio. News Center 7’s Cheryl McHenry decided to conduct an in-depth investigation to see how young women are forced into working in the sex trade and nail salons.

    See the full report at 5 p.m. Monday on News Center 7.

  149. NAIL SALONS! Oh my GOD!!!!! How could such a thing happen in the good ole'USA???

  150. "Ohio is plagued by modern-day slavery"

    Yes, I'm sure this only happens in Ohio. Probably all Bush's fault...

  151. To the Poet, just keep in mind Pinocchio is just a puppet, a figure head that is totally driven by the puppeteer. Without Bob pulling the strings Ron would just be nothing more than what he was prior to Finn’s or Bob’s need for a shield to keep them out of the limelight. Focus your attention on the core of the problem not they toy.

  152. Plagiarizing an almost 30 year old Phil Collins song makes you a 'Poet' now?

  153. Trey, you can't begin a sentence with a conjunction. Seriously, it's like 4th-grade grammar.

  154. "for the worst company in the DMS marketplace. Go work for McDonalds at least you will have a bright future!"

    OMG! The King of the Ass Clowns has resurfaced!!

    Can't believe you're posting the same innane drivel you posted 2 or 3 years ago.

    You still haven't grown up? Wow.

  155. "No accept the fact that you are a mushroom or a fool! You pick the tag that best fits"

    Um, it would be "the tag that better fits". You know, the whole comparative/superlative thing covered back in 8th-grade grammar class. Guess that would make you the fool.

    Let me guess: you were one of those brainless morons who used to ask "is this gonna be on the test?" every 20 minutes back in high school? You DID attend high school, right?

  156. It looks like the pitiful employees are back to bashing the writers in an effort to distract the attention from the main issue at hand once AGAIN! They continue to demonstrate to all why Bob is the luckiest man on the planet to have such a resource of mindless drones to help him dismantle Reynolds at their expense. This should be another eventful year watching your competitors grow and prosper while you are tortured and misguided. So continue to edit and bash us instead of finding a respectable job.

  157. Who is really pitiful here, the employees or the pathetic sack of shit that can't move on with their life outside of R&R.

    If things were as rosy for you as you'd have us believe, you wouldn't still be hanging out here berating others year after year.

  158. I think a lot of former employees check in on this site occasionally due to long time association with the company and a genuine curiosity with what is going on there. Call it morbid curiosity if you like. Most former employees know that things are much different and better outside the bobo-zone and wish others could understand that. Furthermore, current employees who continually complain about working conditions and insist they cannot do anything about it (like relocating to a better area) should expect some push-back from those who did leave. No one likes a complainer who won't do something about the problem.
    As far as the bashing, well that is simply a factor in annonymous communication. Anyone who can't handle that should just look the other way. The world is an ugly place. Buck up and wear a cup!

  159. "...from those who did leave."

    More like from those that got fired. It would be interesting to see how many of those that come here to belittle those still employed would still be at R&R if that hadn't been shown the door.

    I realize there are exceptions that really did leave on their own, but most did not, and I bet a pretty large percentage of them would still be sucking it up and showing up every day just like those that were not fired (yet).

  160. For those that retired... NO.

    For those that left voluntarily...NO

    For those that got fired or laid off...maybe 50-60% would have stayed and complained. The rest were maybe just waiting for a good push.

    Also, continual wailing and moaning begets a certain amount of belittling. Basic natural law.

  161. Bob an Ron must be laughing their asses off. Listening to all of you throw stones at one another instead of focusing on the real issue. Go find a job where you will be treated with respect and can be rewarded for your efforts instead of showing up every day helping them make good money as the squeeze the life and dignity out of each and every one of you. You are like a heard of buffalo walking around with your head down while they one by one drop you to the ground and instead of fleeing on your own you just stand there waiting to be the next victim.

  162. 50-60% would have stayed and complained, 35-45% would have stayed and kept their mouth shut since they were the ones that knew they were lucky to have a well paying job for doing nothing in the first place. The other 5% would have probably left voluntarily.

    I'm not a complainer or a belittler, I just find this behavior interesting.

    Complainers should leave, and many are trying. But do they really need to read messages from assholes on the internet telling them how stupid they are for keeping the job they have until they find another one?

    And do the fortunate ones that have moved on to better things really need to be assholes to those still trying to get away?

  163. And the biggest asshole here REALLY needs to get a life. How empty does your life have to be to keep posting the same shit over and over and over for YEARS?

  164. That’s the point we keep trying to knock into your empty head. WE HAVE A GREAT LIFE being liberated from Reynolds. The reasons we keep posting the same thing over and over again is because YOU JUST DON’T GET IT! They are sucking you dry and you keep coming back for more. The only solution to the problem is to leave.

  165. The only solution is to leave, but I'm not buying your 'great life' bullshit. If your life was so 'great', you'd find something better to do with your time and your demeanor here would be much more mature.

  166. Well it good to see you FINALLY accept the fact. I just hope many more are now preparing to move on. I on the other hand wish you and all others good luck in your efforts to take charge of repairing your life. Your retaliation to the facts is a common human trait. If it makes it more tolerable for you to think that all of us that have moved on (specifically me), for whatever reason are not HAPPY and feeling GREAT, OK! Maybe my approach to trying to get you to get up and move on is a bit caustic but it tough to sit on the sidelines watching you all in the Reynolds bus heading for the cliff.

  167. I don't know what you did at R&R, but I'm guessing it wasn't a job that required any actual intelligence or cognitive skills.

    It isn't about 'FINALLY' accepting anything, it is about some people not being able to just drop everything in their life and move and/or start over. EVERYBODY knows the situation and what the options are, whether they can do anything about it right now is dependent on that individual and their situation.

  168. Whatever, just get back under your desk and wait for your bullet. I think it is time to get back to the discussions concerning your fearless leaders who are driving the bus.

  169. Who cares about the 'fearless leaders'? If you've got something NEW, that would be great, but rehashing the same old shit ad nauseum has become a bit tedious.

  170. So what new and wonderful stuff happened at NADA?
    Any new deals signed?

  171. DocuPAD

    Informal Poll...

    98% loved it.
    75% would not buy it from bobo.
    22% would buy if $$ were right.

    My guess: $$ are not right so forget it.

    Me: I loved it. But I'm not a dealer.

  172. "So what new and wonderful stuff happened at NADA?"

    I was propositioned by a working girl that was only waist high. That was new but probably NOT that wonderful. Yes, she was clearly an adult.

  173. DocuPad..... so much for creating everything in-house.

  174. This blog is much better when discussing what manager is sleeping with which underling. What's Colleen up to these days?

  175. How many new customers did Bobo get at NADA?

  176. DocuPad was pulled out of the closet in an effort to try and stop the revenue hemorrhaging nothing more. This product was never embraced by the dealerships due to its bulky ergonomic design and lack of seamless software integration.

  177. "This blog is much better when discussing what manager is sleeping with which underling. What's Colleen up to these days? "

    Always the first one at TAC food functions. Still walking around with that cum-filled crusty dingy sweater. It reeks of Bob Adams.

  178. Reynolds is issuing an update to the “Weapons Prohibited” section within Policy 109: Building Security in the U.S. Associate Handbook (dated Jan. 1, 2011). The purpose of the update is to allow Associates with concealed handgun permits to possess such onsite at Company premises, in accordance the law. This policy update is effective immediately.

    - Redneck for life

  179. Look at your history no matter what product you bring to the market if it requires you to sign a contract with Bob Brockman it will never leave the dock! Terrible service, strangle holds on their contracts and 3rd party integration will continue to overshadow anything you try and sell them. Employees and customers are running to the exits to cut the ties with Bob Brockman and nothing more.

  180. I have never posted here before but visit often. It has been 3 months since I was layed off, this after almost 2 successful decades with the company.

    My wife and I sent out hundreds of resumes, I have had 6 interviews, 2 offers, and today accepted a new career with a national company.

    My new employer has the greatest of reputation, it has the largest market share in its segment, and it has been around since before WWII. So much like the Reynolds and Reynolds of old.

    Their HQ hums along AND HAS LIFE, just like Dayton used to and Houston never did.

    Make finding your next job your current full time job and it will work out.

    Help your fellow and former coworkers to escape. This lead to me came from a BDC friend who saw a job posting and thought it might be a good fit. I owe him or her EVERYTHING.

    My former director also went above and beyond to promote me with this new company. He took a risk and I owe him a lot. Being somewhat outside of the car business it was a harder sell to convince them that my skills would match their needs.

    I get daily calls from Reynolds customers desperate for help - help that I can not provide.

    I get weekly calls from Reynolds people that I want to help. Maybe just being there to listen is helpful.

    Thank you to Mr. Brockman and team. The day I was layed off turned out to be the best day for my sanity and for my career. This is sincere.

    I will never understand your definition of success or grasp your ultimate plan for Reynolds and Reynolds but I will not question your formidable abilities. Having talked with you directly on more than one occasion it is clear that you are so very proud of your accomplishments and your accumulated power.


    Best of luck to all. I will continue to help as much and as often as I can.

    "The Dirty Dozen"

  181. Good for you Dirty Dozen. Glad to welcome you to the HAPPY SIDE! Life after Brockman is FANTASTIC!

  182. Well, if anybody needs to buy any R&R equipment, visit my auctions on ebay. I'll finally get my garage back!

  183. I cannot believe I put up with that amount of CRAP from Bobo as long as I did. It's almost like they want you to think there is no other job outside UCS. It is truly liberating when you finally leave - and the grass IS REALLY GREEN!

  184. The sad fact is that they (Bob and his boys) are good at it. That is why sooooo many just hold on and keep eating crap day in and day out. The only energy they have is to attack you when you try and push them to get off their butts and go find a job. In any case good for you and welcome out of the dark and to the bright side.

  185. "The only energy they have is to attack you when you try and push them to get off their butts and go find a job."

    They 'attach' you because you come here and say the same stupid shit ALL THE TIME. They don't need you to push them to do ANYTHING. They are doing what they can/choose to do under the circumstances. Some are doing more than others, but it is their decisions to make not YOURS.

    You need to get a life. Maybe if you had one of your own, you wouldn't feel the need to tell others what to do with theirs all the time.

  186. Sorry, that should be 'attack'.

  187. Looks like he crawled out from under his desk to snap and growl again. The poster child of the walking dead should practice what he preaches about telling others who have gotten a life! He is a prime example of what Bobo can turn you into in just 5 short years of darkness and a constant diet of crap. See the light go to the light pitiful one!

  188. Wow. You really are not the sharpest knife in the drawer, are you?

    By all means, keep coming here and telling people what they ALREADY KNOW. And do it over and over and over again. I really does so much for everyone. Really. It does.

    (by the way, did it even occur to you that the use of the word 'they' in my posts might indicate you that I am not part of the 'walking dead'? a smart person probably would have picked up on that)

  189. A smart person would stop defending stupidity. Maybe you should get a life worth living.

  190. I wonder if those who have all the power and/or money are enjoying how everyone else is ripping each other apart in this country (and yes, right here on this blog and within Reynolds). It must amuse them that everyone is so easily distracted from the real source of their pain. What are the lessons to learn from the people of Egypt?

  191. "A smart person would stop defending stupidity. Maybe you should get a life worth living."

    No one is 'defending' anything.

    If you really think that every time you've posted 'get another job' in the last 4+ years someone here has thought to themselves 'hey, what a great idea, I never thought of that', by all means keep it up, you're obviously providing a valuable service to those who obviously too stupid to function independently in society in the first place.

    On the other hand, since EVERYONE already knows they should find another job, your constant, repetitive nonsense serves no purpose whatsoever, much which I'm sure is a theme that runs throughout your life (or it would if you had one).

    As for getting a 'life worth living', don't worry about me, I've done more 'living' in my short years on the planet than you will probably do in your entire life. But try to remember your own advice years down the road when you realize I'm long gone from this blog and you're still here telling people what they already know, just to make yourself feel important...

  192. "What are the lessons to learn from the people of Egypt? "

    That you can take time off of work to support your political cause. Get arrested for 11 days by the Egyptian police and then go back to work like business as usual. *see Wael Ghonim

    I try to take a week off for my kids surgery and my boss says you may not have a job when you come back.

  193. "What are the lessons to learn from the people of Egypt?"

    What they'll probably learn in the long run is probably the same thing we learned in 2008: Be careful what you wish for, things can always get worse. Did anyone in this country really think we could do worse than GW Bush, let alone do exponentially worse? I certainly didn't think it was possible at the time...

  194. As for getting a 'life worth living', don't worry about me, I've done more 'living' in my short years on the planet than you will probably do in your entire life.

    By all means no one is worried about you; we (the liberated) on the other hand feel quite sad for your narrow and bitter prospective and inability to except reality. Time for you to move on pitiful one! Bob will sorely miss you the most.

  195. Looks like your limited intelligence may be linked to a memory problem. Let me try this again:

    "(by the way, did it even occur to you that the use of the word 'they' in my posts might indicate you that I am not part of the 'walking dead'? a smart person probably would have picked up on that)"

    Stupidity on this level is something most people would have to work hard to achieve, yet you make it look effortless. At least you can say you excel at something...

  196. Well it’s time to stop boring other with our back and forth discussions. It time for me to continue to focus on others who are worth saving. So stupid one get back under your desk no more wasting time on you. You should now focus your time on kissing Bob’s butt your only potential future. Signing off!

  197. LOL. Reading comprehension isn't your strong suit, is it?

  198. Wow-Lots of angry people out there. You should all chill out.

  199. Agreed, stopped reacting to their defensive outburst and will get back to focusing on the issue at hand. Reynolds employees need to take heed to the recent past and with the auto industry starting to turn around it will accelerate the mass exodus of the remaining customer base. Many NADA contacts have had very strong traffic from the remaining Reynolds customers looking to exit. You won’t see an immediate acceleration in the customer loss due to the fact that they will not make it public until they can get a confirmed conversion date from the competitor. This will take 4 to 6 months from now. So for the Dayton hold-outs not willing to move you better look at jumping ship by working for a local dealership or get back to school part-time to update your technical skills in order to make you more marketable since the Reynolds development environment is stone age. Sales personnel with the market thawing your value will move up exponentially so get your resumes polished. Finally, don’t sit back hoping for a life preserver to be tossed to you in the next year.
