Thursday, May 20, 2010


Glassdoor Comment

Currently, the company is in the process of phasing out its older staff, and making room for younger more dynamic individuals.

A lot of employees are bitter, because they are being "let-go" in order to make room for younger employees. They are not enjoyable to work with.

I don't think its because younger people are more

The Piglet


  1. Anybody see this?

  2. Wow. This will be a wake up call to other dealers that have their data on that RR server...

  3. "But many dealers besides Borcherding report encountering roadblocks when they try to switch from R&R to another provider, particularly since the UCS merger and especially if it means opting out of an existing contract.

    Robert Brockman, the owner of UCS, a smaller competitor, engineered a $2.8 billion merger with R&R, then privatized the once public entity.

    Legal experts say it’s not easy to get out of an R&R contract."


  4. I remember back around 1990 when we were kicking the hell out of UCS and when JKJ and Rosenthal fired UCS to join Reynolds. Bob and his clowns did everything they could to stop data conversions and put customers through as much pain as possible. Like blocking access to service history to the point where only one service records could be printed or accessed at a time. Even the dealers could not print and view a series of history records. It's all happening again at Borcherding and many more places. What rediculous business practices these are.

  5. It's like Bob's own little stimulus plan...

    Aside from the other DMS vendors getting swamped with new clients, think of all the lawyers that will no longer be out of work.

    Years ago, I worked for ADP. I remember that the sales manager for my area used laugh about finding creative ways to get Donny Hollander into every dealership we were working a deal with. It seemed odd at the time.

    But looking back, most of the prospective dealerships lost all interest in things like discounts and contract terms once they met Donny. If you could get them a little background the kind of Bobo B.S. in the wards article, they sometimes ran to ADP with their checkbooks open wide.

    Ahhh, the good old days... Hey maybe they're on their way back?

    Should I dust off my name tag and put on a suit?

  6. Reynolds Facilities to Eliminate Sugary Soft Drinks and Candies from Dining Rooms and Vending Areas

    Reynolds announced today that the company will remove sugary-based soft drinks, candies, and snacks from its dining rooms and vending machines. In some cases, these items will be removed immediately; in other cases, the change will occur as soon as the items can be removed or changed practically and restocked with healthier alternatives.

    In general, diet drinks, most teas, and other fruit-based juices and waters will not be removed. Similarly, most non-sugary-based snacks will not be removed.

    This initiative is one more step in promoting wellness within the company and another step in addressing rising health care costs.

    This change will affect food and vending services at the Reynolds facilities in Dayton, Houston, College Station, Vandalia, and Celina.

  7. Yep, the food police are coming to RP. This is a disturbing trend in our new "obama society". The government and their hand puppets in corporations know what is best for us.

  8. "Currently, the company is in the process of phasing out its older staff, and making room for younger more dynamic individuals."

    That's pretty funny considering all the 'younger more dynamic individuals' that I know hate working there as much as the 'older staff'. They're all just glad to have a job in this economy and are biding their time until they can find something else.

    They do come in with an optimistic and positive attitude, but that doesn't last more than a month or two once they figure out how things are.

    There are the occasional exceptions, but they are VERY rare in my experience.

  9. "This is a disturbing trend in our new "obama society".

    What a brilliant statement for this blog because we all know how much Bob likes Obama.

    I have grown so tired of the immature partisan attitude this country has. Why is everything viewed as an opportunity to slam the other side? If you truly love our country, try having a constructive conversation with the other side. Who really gains anything with the stupid name calling??!?!

    And puh-lease... Bob is only doing this because it ultimately benefits him. And really, is it such a bad thing? I love when people get in arms about stuff like this. They're not stopping you from drinking soda-- bring your own if you need it so badly!

  10. Why get upset about the sugary drinks/snacks issue?

    If you want/need sugary drinks/snacks, bring your own. You will save a lot of money in the long run when you aren't paying $1.25 for a 20oz drink or .75 for a candy bar...

  11. Face it. Bob is a cocksucker. No one can argue with that. Hey Bob! Looking forward to when you take your dirt nap! Asshole.

  12. "Face it. Bob is a cocksucker. No one can argue with that. Hey Bob! Looking forward to when you take your dirt nap! Asshole."

    Do we really need comments like this? It is one thing if there are policies or or something specific you have a problem with, but this kind of shit is just juvenile (regardless of whether it is true or not).

  13. Don't work there anymore, but when I was there, I do recall about 35 to 45 percent of all people heading into the Victory Lane Cafe (at Dayton's Research Park) being overweight, if not obese.

    I can remember seeing overweight after overweight person going through the checkout line with all manner of fried food on their plates.

    Is the fry station at the Victory Lane Cafe shut down? Did they remove all those desserts (pies, cakes, etc.) as well?

    Just curious how far he was taking this.

  14. Fried foods and hamburgers are in the vending machines. Just heat and serve. The sodium intake on the 1/4lb Cheeseburger is over 1400mg. That's more than some need in 1 day. The cholesterol is just as bad. Candy and Pop should not be the only things they take out of the machines.

  15. "Fried foods and hamburgers are in the vending machines. Just heat and serve. The sodium intake on the 1/4lb Cheeseburger is over 1400mg. That's more than some need in 1 day. The cholesterol is just as bad. Candy and Pop should not be the only things they take out of the machines."

    Do we really need others overlooking our caloric/sodium/cholestorol/sugar/fried food/dessert intake?? It's one thing for Bobo to have an automatic payroll deduction for serving food to allow the paronoid S.O.B. to sleep a little easier knowing that he made it a little more difficult for people to steal pennies off of him and to avoid paying a premium for those using credit cards. It's another thing for him to try and avoid "rising health care costs" by eliminating items deemed to be unhealthy. But to imply that this is for the associates good is simply another outright attempt at deception. Does anyone realize or agree that the true underlying reason that this practice was initiated was truly NOT in the best interest of those consuming the goods but to make Bobo more profitable? Why hasn't he introduced something to help eliminate a factor known to cause a myriad of illnesses---STRESS!??!!! My bet is because it would cost him money and reduce his profit line. All things being done are done for one reason and one reason only, no matter the spin being given.

    Remember this..... 'we are not in the business of making customers happy. We are in the business to make Reynolds money'.... and THAT is definitely a 'quote-unquote'. So whether you are an internal or external customer, you are only a profit line to Bobo. He doesn't care if you're fat, thin, black, white, Asian, or the epitome of health. He would gladly give up someone else's health to earn an extra buck.

  16. "Cons
    A lot of employees are bitter, because they are being "let-go" in order to make room for younger employees. They are not enjoyable to work with."

    A lot of us "Older Staff" had an active role in driving R&R and ERA to the market leading, 1st place DMS provider that it once was, only to watch the arrogant idiots from Houston tear it down to their level. Sure you can make the argument that fewer, more profitable customers make more money for Bob if that makes you feel better.

    As far as the younger more dynamic folks go, many of them are very bright and good people, however many of them, at least in the field, use this as a stepping stone to something else. I have had conversations with several who tell me that the Houston indoctrination is a joke among them!

  17. I hear from sources that the customer base is now less than 6,000, from nearly 11,700 when Bob bought to us that dark October of 2006. So about 50% of the dealers are gone over 43 months. Estimates are 1/3 went out of business and rest fired Reynolds. Shame, shame, shame. What do sales people do all day? What could the OEM team be doing all day? What do application trainers do all day? 43 months have passes since the so called merger. 6,000 dealers have gone elsewhere, that's more than 130 dealers every month saying so-long to Reynolds....WOW! And the beat goes on.

  18. Well, the great majority the "Application Trainers" have been let go (down to a handful from hundreds back in Oct 2006).

    As "Sales Reps", we:
    1) Look for other jobs that don't conflict with the "Employee Agreement".
    2) Expend excessive time & energy trying to do #1 without being detected - i.e. "old fashioned "networking" v. posting our resumes on Monster or CareerBuilder, etc. (Really, "They" canvass this type of activity & I have actually had employees of mine, excellent productive emloyees, led along & over the "plank" of "up to & not excluding termination" for this. Behind my Leadership positioned back..).
    3) Are afraid to speak with former co-workers on our cell phones (company "provided" or "numerically absconded" - however you want to look at it) or via Rey email, so we relentlessly search for ways to chat with those highly intelligent, productive (and extremely fortunate) former co-workers. (DO THIS - The networking is great - if they worked around the "Employment Agreement" why can't we safely do the same thing wthout all that nasty expenditure on law consultation?). And we communicate VERY late at night, too. Just in case.
    4) Repeatedly create/update/email Excel spreadsheets containing redundant data that has already been entered into whatever the heck our home grown, wholly inadequate software is called - you know, it "replaced" I forget the initials & related acronym on purpose several times per diem. Sorry. Oh. Yeah. "SMT" just popped up in Outlook. That's it. Well. I'm driving so I'll have to snooze the reminder for a couple hours.
    5) Stress over getting aforementioned spreadsheets sent to the proper individuals on time so as not to call attention to ourselves & appearing on a "shit list". (Of course, this does not prevent one from appearing on "le shit list du jour", thus redering any efforts to the contrary completely futile.)
    6) Amuse ourselves by investing in some "thought leadership" with regards to the corporately rare challenge of arriving at a client site &, as surreptiously as possible, avoiding looking like either a toddler or a dingbat when we pick up a land line to "check in", normally asking for an access code (if they are one of Bob's "call tracking" captives - otherwise if we need to dial "9", "99", "86" or "666" to get an outside line, whereopon we devolve further into appearing like toddlers v. vendor reps/business partners) ... (until we are released from the GLASS program anyway - after that, said activity & expenditure of energy becomes more about helping our valued teammates by passing on "best practices" - much better invested!!)

  19. 7) Search RU Online to see if we missed any training sessions we were supposed to do by the current day so we can find a way to squeeze them in so as not to appear on one of the "shit lists" mentioned previously. (No notification if those in your role are actually required to take the course - you know, blanket statements were emailed via ASB or SMT or PCN or whatever the hell randonmly appearing email might have been received & subsequently put on the proverbial back burner in honor of other, more specific communications.)
    8) Dialing in & listening to the recording of the National Sales Call. (Once a month, but painfully recalled & dreaded throughout the calendar.) If we had time to grab a bottle of anything earlier than this, we chuckle at "The Smothering Brothers" during said call. Otherwise, we just feel more short of breath, and increased draining of intelligence & motivation. We MUST do this "on time" (so as not to appear on another aforementioned "shit list".)
    9) AH! I just realized I haven't mentioned our customers yet - whatever.

    Good for me - no "shit list" appearances this week! Wahoo!! Wait. I can breathe.

    10) Um. Crap. I wonder what I missed. Shit. I gotta go or I'll get fired ...

    Ah - DOUBLE CRAP - I just saw that I admitted I was driving & on "the network" at the same time. There's my "shit list" appearance for the week! Oh well, at least I have a recording of Ron specifically telling us that the "Rule" was only to provide proof that "they" were enforcing whatever gave them a lower insurance rate on our company drivers & if he EVER heard the excuse of not being in touch because we were driving we'd be in "big trouble" and the excuse would be "unacceptable". Whew.

    Anyway - do have to go - 6 more hours of chasing business related unicorns before I take a nap & start it all over again tomorrow. Um. Today, rather ...

  20. "They're not stopping you from drinking soda-- bring your own if you need it so badly! "

    LOL How long will it before he says you can't eat them at all? LOL!!! Let alone bring them! LMFAO!!!!

  21. Can't store, milk, pop, water overnite in the convenience area refrigerators no longer. One would have to hide it in their lunch bag and remove it by end of day or it might get trashed by the next day.

  22. When all but a few clients are left - they'll have to pay for those few employees which are left. The good news is that the few employees left will be healthy, inexpensive and loyal.

    Bob keeps the leftover cash.

    I've got that figured out - but I still don't see where the goose comes in. Sounds a little suspicious. Maybe there is a surveillance camera and mic up its arse or something.

    I'll keep working on this...

  23. I'll be selling Coke from the green van, er. coke products that is. Maybe Bob gonna do spit tests for soft drinks now. Heil Brockman

  24. Does anyone really care about the candy/pop issue? The company is under NO obligation whatsoever to provide ANY drinks/snacks at all, so who cares if they limit what they do offer?

    If you want something they don't offer, buy your own, bring it in yourself, and save at least 50% in the process.

    No one is going to die if they don't have access to a Coke and Snickers bar every day, and to be honest, it will do a lot of you good to get away from the calories anyway.

  25. It's not about the company being or not being "obligated" to "provide" employees with sugary drinks or snacks, and people dieing if they don't have access. Get your lips off the Bob and get a clue.

  26. Sorry, I'm not a fan of Bob at all, and I'm not sure what I typed makes you think my lips are anywhere near him. I just think if you're going to complain about something, you could find a huge list to go through before something as trivial as snacks comes up.

    The snacks thing is a non-issue, and anyone getting worked up over it really needs to take a serious look in the mirror.

  27. Bitter Old Bob has always made weird decisions that people try to make sense out of, its no use.
    It's a way of life for the bobonites to find the good on everything he does.
    "Snacks are bad for you" "Is not a big deal" "Cigarettes are bad" and every customer we have lost "They were deadbeats anyway"
    "We we're loosing money on them" The bobonites have stopped fighting and joined him.
    Remember this is the guy that made his company insignificant until he bought Reynolds and was able to keep the old reynolds people to stay under false pretenses.

  28. This is the way I see it.

    There is no question that this company is shrinking. Forget everything you hear and just consider what you can see. It's obvious. Don't waste any time on the little things like what's on the lunch menu. If you wait for the company to get around letting you go, the people let go before you will have the job(s) that you want at the companies you want to work for.

    The odds are really good that the next place you work will be a better place to work anyway.

    Now Go... Fly and Be Free......You'll be happy.

    I'm leaving for an interview in 20 minutes.

  29. "Snacks are bad for you" "Is not a big deal" "Cigarettes are bad" and every customer we have lost "They were deadbeats anyway"

    Any of you deadbeat dealers visit this blog? Bunch of deadbeats.

  30. " Does anyone really care about the candy/pop issue? The company is under NO obligation whatsoever to provide ANY drinks/snacks at all, so who cares if they limit what they do offer?

    If you want something they don't offer, buy your own, bring it in yourself, and save at least 50% in the process.

    No one is going to die if they don't have access to a Coke and Snickers bar every day, and to be honest, it will do a lot of you good to get away from the calories anyway.
    May 26, 2010 3:28 PM "

    This kind of attitude makes me sick. It isn't a non-issue. Bob wanting to control your every move and your lifestyle isn't a non-issue. Glad you like working for Reynolds. I quit quite a while ago when I saw BS like this coming down the pike. Does he have the right? Sure. He has the right to have retards to actually STAY there and say "Yeah, I don't have a problem with Bob controlling my every move." Dumbasses. I left UREY and went to an employer who actually CARES about having HAPPY employees and is doing wonderful even in a horrible job and financial market, and very few complain and we can consume WHATEVER we want, no questions asked, get raises, asked for input into how the company is being run. R&R went from basically the same type of environment to a bunch of brainwashed fools! Morons! Listen to the posters urging you to fly and be free! You can be happy, too!

  31. The phrase 'They nailed Jesus to a cross and he cried less than you' pops into my head just about every time I read a post here.

    The fact that ANYONE would give a shit one way or the other about SNACKS boggles the mind. Who cares if a LUXURY is provided at the workplace or not?

    I hate working there, but something like this is so far down the list it isn't even on my radar when it comes to problems in the workplace.

    Some of you people are SERIOUSLY pathetic.

  32. Well we're glad you're sticking around then, you'll make a good Bobonite. Can't wait til he puts timers in the shitters. I'm sure you can drop a deuce AND wipe in two minutes flat. Oh, that's just pathetic, thinking that Bob wants to control your every move. It's just natural. Moron.

  33. How many of these will Bobo enact in the next year?

    1) Card access into the bathrooms

    2) Mandatory BMI measurement followed by a goal to reach by next review

    3) Drug test to include sugar levels

    4) Mandatory daily workout in the Body Shop before or after work hours only

    5) Random cube searches to look for prohibited items like sugary drinks or candy bars

    Need I say more?

  34. Excellent job of completely missing the point. Again.

    Name calling too. Very mature.

    If you think something as trivial as snacks are worth worrying about, knock yourself out.

  35. Well if you think a goddamn snack is a luxury, you must live in a fucking cave. With Bob.

  36. Oh, no 7:29 poster - the 9:00 poster's got it all figured out. It shouldn't worry you that the owner of the company is worrying about what you are feeding yourself - you should worry that YOU enjoy it. "That's why it's called work" is what those brainwashed dolts say. Bob needs to save you from the LUXURY of a Twinkie and replace it with salt-free veggie chips. MMMM #6 should probably be checking your goddamn lunch box in at the door or running it through a scanner because that's probably next. No web surfing (stare at your desk while you're on the phone), no personal emails (none of THAT kind of LUXURY, mister), no phone calls home (if you were raising those little brats right you wouldn't NEED to make phone calls home), no sex after midnight...

  37. Wow. I don't necessarily agree with Bob on anything, but whether you like it or not, snacks are a luxury. No one is stopping your from stuffing your face with candy bars and soft drinks, they just aren't making it available at work. Add me to the 'what's the big deal?' side of this debate.

    And to the 'if you think snacks are a goddamn luxury' poster: grow up you pathetic, childish little piece of shit... ;)

  38. "Well if you think a goddamn snack is a luxury, you must live in a fucking cave. With Bob."

    So you think snacks are a necessity? I can only assume you are just incredibly stupid and/or you just don't know what a luxury is in the first place. Unless you can find a law that requires candy and/or sweetened soft drinks in the workplace, I'd suggest you STFU before you make yourself look even more stupid...

  39. "LUXURY of a Twinkie and replace it with salt-free veggie chips. MMMM"

    You can still stuff your fat face with a Twinkie, you just can't buy it work.

    "#6 should probably be checking your goddamn lunch box in at the door or running it through a scanner because that's probably next."

    Worry about it if it happens. So far, it hasn't.

    "No web surfing (stare at your desk while you're on the phone)"

    This is getting more common anywhere you work.

    "no personal emails (none of THAT kind of LUXURY, mister)"

    I know several people that get dozens of personal emails every day and they're still employed, so I'm guessing this isn't a big deal unless you REALLY abuse it.

    "no phone calls home (if you were raising those little brats right you wouldn't NEED to make phone calls home)"

    What's wrong with using your cell phone to call home?

    "no sex after midnight..."

    I have a feeling most of the whiners here aren't getting any at all or they might be a little more relaxed and not be getting so worked up about trivial shit like snacks.

  40. Chip Gannassi wins Indy 500. Sorry Penske Racing Bob Brockman is bad luck on any team he cheers for.

  41. next rule and there will be random measuring:
    No penises bigger than Bob's Weenie, ie; none over 3 inches. Absolutely no women with penises, won't be tolerated.

  42. I understand the "No women with penises" rule but what about those men with vaginas?

    Do they have to leave too? The management structure will collapse. It'll be anarchy!

  43. Wow, what is the deal with all the vending machine talk. Get over it. Go to the grocery and buy your own. There's a poster above who talks about all the customers RR has lost. Lets talk about that. I've heard that the number of customers is down to the 3,000-4,000 range and more are leaving every day. That's huge. That's cutting RR down to UCS size. I'd like to hear about the lawsuits, like the the one mentioned in the article about Borcherding. I'd like to hear about how ADP is doing and how many customers they are getting. Lot's of companies are going to wellness programs and promoting healthy eating habits. The U.S. is the most obese nation in the world. It wouldn't hurt any of us to eat better and exercise more, and maybe you'll be able to deal with the stress of RR until you can get out of there. But arguing about it here is just stupid. Change the subject already.

  44. As a newer employee, I have problems with more important issues than snacks.

    - Why does Reynolds pay me $5000-10000 a year less than my friends from school with similar degrees, similar grades, and doing similar work for other companies in the same town?

    - Why did I have to wait 120 days for my benefits while my friends received them immediately?

    - Why do I have to wait almost a full year to get any vacation when my friends receive 2 weeks their first year? My friends will also get 3 weeks vacation in their 5th year, while I will have to wait for my 7th year to get another week.

    - Why does every company offer at least 10 holidays with at least one floating day, but we only get 8 with no floating day?

    - Being treated like an adult by your employer would also be nice.

    I could go on and on and on and on.

    Before anyone says it, I know I didn't have to take the job, but I didn't know at the time a lot of things I do know now.

    Don't fool yourselves, us 'younger more dynamic' individuals realize we made a big mistake and are doing what we need to do until we find a real job with a real company, and whether or not I can buy a candy bar has nothing to do with it.

    It should be interesting to see how many are left at Reynolds when the economy picks up and the company can no longer get away with taking advantage of a the bad situation that plagues all workers in the Dayton market. I should say IF the Dayton economy ever picks up, which is a pretty big 'IF' itself.

  45. That's an easy answer. Your friends work for real corporations and if they were any good friends. They would send your resume through their HR department so you can get out of the Reynolds HELLHOLE.

  46. Obviously thats the answer, but I just wonder why Reynolds thinks it is so special that they can offer so much less while not providing anything more in return.

    They offer nothing that offsets anything I mentioned previously. Had I known then what I know now, I would have kept looking. I jumped on the first offer I got. Lesson learned.

  47. Hey newbie,
    All I can say is don't waste too much time there like some of us who spent 10,20,30 + years at Reynolds, just to get dumped into the street for no good reason. Imagine how that feels, especially knowing that getting a new job is much harder when you are over 50 and the likely reduction in pay at the new job will suck. Finding a job may not be easy now but just think, it will likely be a BIG improvement in your case. Something to really look forward to sure must be nice!!

  48. I was in my late 50s when I was shown to the street. Treated like a pice of dirt by the jerks from Houston. The reason for the treatment listed in a prior comment, per the young new hire, is because so far Bob has been able to get away with it...and it will keep getting worse for both customers and employees so long as Bob and his cowboys are in charge. Look at the UCS's repeating itself. Bob knows no other way to run or should I say ruin a company.

  49. Yeah, there's no correlation between having your life micromanaged and a great company becoming a shitty one. Someone who is a newbie in the workforce is the only type of person that will get anything out of working for Bob; it's just like a fucking boot camp - once you get out even dodging bullets is promising. He just took away their last "luxury" (and actually has them believing a snack machine is a luxury) and then they wonder why they don't get paid enough or treated like an adult.

  50. To the new hire. Although it may not be the greatest job right now, it IS a job. Put in a year or two and use the experience as a life lesson. It looks better to have a job on your resume than not to have anything. I'm 57 and finally found a job after almost 1 1/2 yrs looking.

  51. "He just took away their last "luxury" (and actually has them believing a snack machine is a luxury)"

    You should seriously seek professional help. You can make no valid argument whatsoever that a candy bar is not a luxury, so shut up and move on to something else.

  52. Newbie,

    This is the point where you should decide to do exactly what your employer is doing - "what's best for you and your family" if you have one.

    Look for a new job as though you didn't have one now. You have something that others do not, the luxury of working while you looking.

    Start today. There is nothing at Reynolds for you. Not now, not tomorrow.

  53. Newbie,

    I am an employer. Most of the time, I would hire someone that is currently working over someone that has been laid off.

    Good Luck.

  54. to
    I am an employer. Most of the time, I would hire someone that is currently working over someone that has been laid off.

    Explain yourself why does this make a difference?
    What kind of business are you in?
    I'm a human resource rep and I do not consider that a big issue.

  55. "You should seriously seek professional help. You can make no valid argument whatsoever that a candy bar is not a luxury, so shut up and move on to something else."

    DICKWAD - Bob is not GIVING you a candy bar - he's giving you an opportunity to buy one to make your work experience a little more tolerable. If you think that is a luxury go three caves down and tell Osama I said Hi. Now you get the choice between buying rice cakes and veggie bites. MMM I love working at URey! Brainwash me some more! Even bread and water is free in prison....

  56. "DICKWAD...."

    You are one ignorant, pathetic, and disturbed individual, and I see you still have no valid argument on the subject.

    I hate working there as much as anyone, but crying like a spoiled little bitch over a candy bar is pathetic.

  57. I was in HR years ago and I agree that a person who is currently employed is more likely to get offered a job than an unemployed person. HOWEVER, in the current economic climate that no longer holds true. 10 years ago, if a person was unemployed a HR manager would wonder why. Jobs were plentiful and it showed that a person was willing to work. It is easier to get a job if you have a job. You can also be a little more selective. If you're unemployed, your unemployment as run out and you need to feed your family you will take anything, and HR managers know this and know you will leave as soon as you find something better. So why should they waste their time hiring and training you.

  58. OMG!!!!PLEASE Bob, PLEASE bring back the candy bars! I can't take it any more. I need them so bad. I'll do anything, anything Bob, if you would just bring back the sugary drinks and snacks! I'll work longer hours, I'll come in early and leave late. I'll work weekends for free. I'll take a pay cut, no lunches, Bob,,,,Bob Bob Bob, I plead with you, I beg you, I grovel at your feet, please, please just bring back that candy and pop.

  59. Those of you who are railing on people who complain about the loss of the snack machines fail to realize it is a symptom of their overall frustration with the "new Reynolds" culture and draconian work environment.

    I left quite a while ago and what a relief it has been. I don't know if my current job is the last one I'll have, but it is definitely a much heathier place to work.

    It really makes a difference in your ability to enjoy your life again. I didn't necessarily see it, but my spouse commented on how much happier I am since my time at UREY from 8/06 to mid-09.

    If you are miserable, put more energy into finding a new job, AND take a load off. If only for your spouse, kids and pets.

  60. There was no 'loss of snack machines', the snack machines are still there and they are still loaded with garbage like Doritos, Cheetos, Fritos, etc, that are just as bad for you as the candy bars that were removed. There is still plenty of junk food to stuff your fat faces with, so shut up about it and move on.

  61. You mean to say someone doesn't like chocolate? For a business to be successful they must only allow its peon workers to be young, male and pure vanilla. As for the leaders of business and country, they need to be under 55 years of age, male, pure vanilla and have square empty heads (Scott Brown, Mitt Romney, Rick Perry)

  62. Yeah, boo white people. Especially if they're male, conservative, successful, etc.

    Scum of the earth, I tell you what...

  63. Reynolds is hiring again-
    Confidential Employers (Various) Corporate Software Administrator
    Dayton, Ohio

    Confidential Employers (Various) Customer Solutions Internship Dayton, Ohio

    Confidential Employers (Various) Customer Solutions Professional Kettering, Ohio

    Confidential Employers (Various) Data Center Engineer Kettering, Ohio

    Confidential Employers (Various) Document Sales Associate Kettering, Ohio

    Confidential Employers (Various) Forms Programmer Kettering, Ohio

    Confidential Employers (Various) Network Engineer Kettering, Ohio

    Confidential Employers (Various) Senior Java Developer Dayton, Ohio

    Confidential Employers (Various) Software Developer Kettering, Ohio

  64. So has Bob published a policy against this yet (though I would be inclined to agree to banning this)?

    Glassdoor June 8, 2010

    Now you can upload and share photos of your workplace!

    We've just released our new Office Photos feature. Here's your chance to give job seekers a behind-the-scenes look at your office, break room, cafeteria, or whatever you would've wanted to see before taking the job.

    Help us get going - please share your photos for a chance to win $500*

    We're inviting you to be among the first to upload photos of Reynolds and Reynolds or a more recent employer. Not only will your photos help other job seekers, you will automatically be entered for a chance to win $500*.

    So give it a try - Visit the Reynolds and Reynolds office photos page and 'Add a Photo'

  65. I just looked at the Reynolds website for jobs. Very interesting to watch the stupid video showing employees who have been laid off from the company.

  66. So, how many of these "associates on record" are actually still employed?

  67. Lou Putigano Former FEJune 9, 2010 at 8:04 AM

    "associates on record" What a fucking joke!!!!!!!!!!!!!

  68. "Newbie,
    I am an employer. Most of the time, I would hire someone that is currently working over someone that has been laid off."

    Blah blah blah, doubt this is the norm since so many people are w/o jobs. This is probably a trick by Bob to get you to leave so he doesn't have spend money getting rid of you. Stay, damnit, stay and collect your unemployment.
    I don't like you Bob, you're just not a nice man, or thing, whichever is more accurate. You have all that money, and your life still sucks doesn't it.

  69. Time Warner is hiring in the Dayton area.

    Apply online at

  70. Time Warner is just as bad as URey!

  71. Another interesting article at Auto Gealer Monthly,of the 6 dealerships switching from their currenr DMS provider 4 were RR!/

  72. I'm still not working. Thanks 4 the information.

  73. HAHAHAHA!!! Employees on the record! He got rid of the original reynoldsinformation site and then made his own "employees stay here forever" website!!! LOL!!! What a bunch of propaganda! Let me know when he takes away chairs for you to sit in!!! LOL!!! I don't give a shit if TWC is worse or not, I'd do anything to get out of that dungeon!

  74. They've been hitting the TAC hard with terminations this past week.

  75. have they gotten rid of all the backliners in TAC and all but the new people and stupid management?

  76. Blah blah blah,

    I am not Bob (a little paranoia maybe?). I am really an employer.

    I'll start by saying that many of those let go from urey do not exactly fit this model -but this has worked well for my company.

    It's nothing personal - when I have had to "downsize", the best people go last and the expensive or marginally-productive go first.

    When it's time to start hiring again, I almost never re-hire those let go early. The best candidates are usually recruited from those working in the industry.

    At this point, they're almost always good at what they do. Sometimes they come with the bonus of being good at what they do and still have their job because they're work cheap as well. Either way good for me.

  77. one person let go in the TAC does not qualify as "hitting hard". And nobody ever heard of the guy anyway.
    Also, keep in mind that with a reduction of nearly 40% of the customer base you guys don't need as many support people.

  78. Another interesting part of the Auto Dealer monthy article is that none of the examples was switching TO Reynolds & Reynolds.
    I guess that just isn't done anymore.

  79. The money quote from that article:

    "I was absolutley, 100-percent satisfied with Reynolds and Reynolds as a product and 100-percent dissatisfied with their business practices."

    Wow, what a surprise.

    And another good one:

    "Whatever the situation, [Dealerbuilt was] willing to adapt to make it work, whereas Reynolds and Reynolds says, 'This is how we're doing it and if you want to do business with us, this is how you've got to do it.'"

  80. Thst, of course, is the "brockman way". His way or the highway. Unfortunately for R&R the highway seems to be the preferred route for many dealers to take. No surprise since this is exactly what happened to the old ucs. Problem is, bobo is too arrogant to understand what he has done to the company.

    Prediction: two years out there will be 40% - 60% fewer dealers on R&R than today. Match that up to employment needs at that level and see what your future holds.

    most autos will be made in china or india and be exported into the u.s. (the new third world country). These cheap cars will be sold to the few remaining people in the u.s. who have jobs. since the auto manufacturers reside in these other countries they will provide or control the software which runs their dealerships.
    Bobo may or may not still be around for this takeover.

  82. "one person let go in the TAC does not qualify as "hitting hard". And nobody ever heard of the guy anyway. Also, keep in mind that with a reduction of nearly 40% of the customer base you guys don't need as many support people."

    You never heard of Richard (Dick) Fitzwell? He worked in Building 1, floor 2 at Research Park. Sat next to Phil McCracken and Seymour Butts.

  83. Does anyone over the age of 12 post here anymore?

    This place is getting beyond pathetic...

  84. "Does anyone over the age of 12 post here anymore? This place is getting beyond pathetic... "

    Ha! You must be the lone buffoon who didn't know Richard Fitzwell was a fictitious name.

  85. No, I caught the 'joke' the first time. Like I said, 12 years olds...

    And if most of you are over 12, I really feel sorry for you and your families for the constant embarrassment you must endure.

  86. It's official, customer training is now corporate based; traveling to customers as needed. The once mighty CTP field force is no longer. The fact that we install so few systems to no longer need a field force is pretty sad. In a related note I recently heard that about a half dozen former CTP's, predominately from the northeast have been acquired by ADP, apparently they do have systems to install!

  87. Heard the giant Jesus down in Middletown got struck by lightening and burned up.
    Hmmmm. Wonder what that means...

  88. It means if you build a lightning rod in the middle of a field made out of combustible materials shit's gonna get real. Stay on topic.

  89. Tell me this much: Is Colleen Henry still lookin fine as hell in the TAC?

  90. "No, I caught the 'joke' the first time. Like I said, 12 years olds...
    And if most of you are over 12, I really feel sorry for you and your families for the constant embarrassment you must endure. "

    I agree with the other poster that you didn't get it. Reread your post. You thought that fake name was a real person. You sound really obtuse and it's funny that you draw comparisons to teenagers because based on your spelling and grammer, you may very well be a 12-year old.

  91. "I agree with the other poster that you didn't get it. Reread your post. You thought that fake name was a real person. You sound really obtuse and it's funny that you draw comparisons to teenagers because based on your spelling and grammer, you may very well be a 12-year old. "

    Sorry, but I wasn't the poster that didn't get it. I only commented after the immature reply to their reply.

    As far as your assessment of my spelling and 'grammer' goes, there was one typo ('years' should have been 'year', sorry), for which I apologize profusely since it apparently made me look like a 12-year-old.

    If you think the immature comments are funny, that says all that needs to be said about your credibility when it comes to assessing the maturity of others.

  92. "I agree with the other poster that you didn't get it. Reread your post. You thought that fake name was a real person. You sound really obtuse and it's funny that you draw comparisons to teenagers because based on your spelling and grammer, you may very well be a 12-year old."

    1. I wasn't the one that originally replied about the fake name.

    2. One typo hardly makes my spelling and 'grammer' that of a 12-year-old.

    Thanks for playing though, and if you think the immature comments are funny, that tells me all I need to know about you...

  93. Sorry for posting (essentially) the same thing twice, there seems to be a bit of a lag in posts showing up.

  94. Half a dozen CTP's predominately from the northeast have been hired by ADP? Its close to two dozen now across North America.
    Thank you Bobo.

  95. Between Dealer track And ADP most of the old R&R types have found new jobs hacking up the once grand carcass.
    All that is left is the bobo king and his assessment-passing lackies.
    A textbook example of how to destroy a company.

  96. "A textbook example of how to destroy a company."

    But what about the important things? Did "Kneel and" Bob get a new AMG Benz this year?

  97. "Tell me this much: Is Colleen Henry still lookin fine as hell in the TAC?"

    I guess she is but, only if you like short fat bitches. But, to each his own. Your standards seem a bit low. Maybe it's just me but I find nothing physically appealing about her.

  98. Heard the giant Jesus down in Middletown got struck by lightening and burned up.
    Hmmmm. Wonder what that means... "

    Means nothing more than butter Jesus might need a lightening rod dim wit.....sorry in advance for the name calling, just seemed appropriate.

  99. Employment experts say they believe companies are increasingly interested only in applicants who already have a job.

  100. To the June 18, 2010 1:18 PM poster. You're a coward, and defiantly a fag.

  101. It does appear this blog has become the domain of the new, young and clueless types that bobo hires almost exclusively.
    No real news on what is going on coupled with the useless jokes and snide comments.
    A far cry from the last blog in content; much less ballsy. Too bad.

  102. Agree with that last post. If these comments are coming from those still working for the company then I am glad to not still be in that hell hole. Question is did these folks get stupid and ugly before or after they started working there.

  103. "Agree with that last post. If these comments are coming from those still working for the company then I am glad to not still be in that hell hole. Question is did these folks get stupid and ugly before or after they started working there."

    Classic moronic hypocritical post, genius.

    Agreeing with the post that complains about about useless jokes and snide comments, then call those that still work there stupid and ugly.

    More immature 12-year-old BS...

  104. Oh it definitely happened after they started working there. Almost all of them were brilliant and beautiful before being hired...

  105. Why sit around and complain like a bunch of idiots. Go find a job while you can still afford the gas to look.

    bobo's loosing just over 100 sites a month and the numbers don't work until there are between 850 and 950 left. He'll take care of those with 1/3 the staff that the old company needed for the same number of sites.

    Do the math, unless you are one of his brown-nosers, you are either next or next to the next to go.

    If you are one of the brown-nosers and you are reading this, you should start looking too.

  106. So... how many "systems" are there left for URey anymore? Last figures of any kind I heard (Fall 2009) there were <4000 ERA systems.

  107. The only way to know (short of someone being willing to reveal the number from inside - unlikely in the current climate) is to extrapolate a number from current customers. We know there are approximately 6000 current stores on ERA. We know that pre-takeover there were about 11,500 stores on 6000 systems. If we assume the same ratio there would be about 3130 systems in use right now. Tha ratio could be skewed by more single point accounts going out of business due to the economy and domestic store reductions compared to large multi-point accounts but my guess is the numbers would balance out.

    Regardless, the company is shrinking at an alarming rate unless your ultimate goal is to do just that. Perhaps brockman's real problem is he just cannot figure out how to run an organization that is too big for him to control out of his back pocket.
    The only other explanation is that he is just simply too arrogant and conceited to understand how much the market hates his guts.
    As a retired account manager with 25 years in the field I can say that we were quite effective at beating the old ucs by simply playing the "brockman card" early on in the sales process. In fact, as early as 2002 I began to notice that it was the rare deal that incuded ucs in the negotiations. Most of my accounts simply did not want anything to do with the man or his company. They just were not competition I had to worry with. I retired soon after the takeover because I could not see myself representing this bozo and keeping my principles intact. Nothing I have heard since has made me regret that decision.

  108. After nearly 25 years working with dealers and computers, I think URey will find less than 1000 dealers that will tolerate this BS.

    Question: How much money would the old UCS have made if they had made it to 1000 or so dealers?

    Answer: A little more than it took to buy REY.

    The bright side is that the economy seems to have added some extra spin to the spiral.

  109. Actually the old ucs worked itself DOWN to the 750 dealers they had just prior to the takeover.
    Their big hayday was the 80's when they had the only system that could handle very large dealers. Once ERA was stablized by 1990 the gig was up. From the 1991 install of JKJ Chev and a couple of others ucs began to shrink and never stopped right up to the end. Dealers were always looking for a way out of buying from him.
    Perhaps he thought buying R&R would reverse the trend by giving him cover. Lesson learned: you can't purchase respect. You can only earn it.

  110. As a retired account manager with 25 years in the field I can say that we were quite effective at beating the old ucs by simply playing the "brockman card" early on in the sales process. In fact, as early as 2002 I began to notice that it was the rare deal that incuded ucs in the negotiations.June 22, 2010 1:05 PM

    Well said and he's so arrogant he'll never see this. This is definitely a LOL moment.

  111. Why sit around and complain like a bunch of idiots. Go find a job while you can still afford the gas to look.
    June 21, 2010 6:28 AM

    Yeah, find another job because there are so many out there.
    "a bird in hand is worth two in the bush"

  112. "To the June 18, 2010 1:18 PM poster. You're a coward, and defiantly a fag.
    June 18, 2010 10:51 PM "

    You crack me up, you must love that tub o' lard or be her. "defiantly a fag" And can you define "defiant fag" you little homo hater. You're Bobby "do to" Adams aren't you? Remember that little chick you were trying to get in her pants back when the tac was in west Dayton, she was pretty small like your wife. Did you decide to upsize with Colleen? You still hittin' that?

  113. "a bird in hand is worth two in the bush"

    One thing is for sure in the near future... The availability of jobs in this industry will only diminish.

    Those who sit and wait are doing themselves no good. There will be less opportunity as time goes on.

    If a company is hiring now, it could be that they have adapted and are on the rise, wouldn't you want to be there instead?

    Why remain on the sinking ship - didn't you see the Titanic?

  114. One thing that would help us all would be if anyone that has beat the "non-compete" part of their employment agreement could post information as to how they did it.


  115. Actually, what would be more helpful would be for anyone who got caught on the non-compete to speak up. From what I have heard, seen and know about there are quite a number of folks who have NOT been caught and quite a number who have beaten it (or their new employers did).
    Consider the sheer number of laid off people and those who left voluntarily. Bobo doesn't have enough lawyers to fight them all (or even a small percentage).
    I say, fuck 'em and go work for whomever you want. Let hitler-bob try and find you.

  116. If you were laid off the non-compete is null and void. Since you did not voluntarily leave to join a competitor the courts have ruled that you are free to pursue and accept a similar job.
    As has been noted in other posts, employers are hiring ex-URey employees and not having any problems.

  117. TAC crew the proxy server is down. Do not connect to that link. The infosec rejects detected it yesterday. I'm building a new server and will be up after the 4th.

  118. LOL Who in the world made a proxy server for the TAC?

  119. Bob restricted web access for the TAC in order to increase production. If you were working @ reyrey you would know. Who's next!

    "I AM SAM"

  120. All y'all up there in Ohio just need to get a grip on things. There aren't any jobs anywhere else so stop your bitching and get to work. As long as Bob employs your sorry ass the least you can do is give him an honest days work!

  121. Shouldn't you be down there assisting in the oil spill cleanup? Please volunteer

  122. The oil spill cleanup is going quite slow because the federal government continues to road-block efforts, citing various "regulations" like work periods, life jacket requirements and the like. Even worse, the president just isn't bright enough to realize that is a problem.
    So, while BP fools around trying to stop the leak the feds bungle their part of the cleanup effort by STALLING those efforts. Amazing!
    And, their reaction to all of it is to put another 80,000 or so people out of work by stopping drilling in the gulf. Can you spell IMPEACHMENT!

  123. Can you spell IMPEACHMENT!

    Did you know how to spell it when Bush bungled Katrina?

    This is what happens when you have 30+ years of rampant deregulation and you let the big corporations write their own rules. I love these conservative Gulf Coast politicians who fought every proposed regulation tooth and nail and now they can't get the Federal government down there fast enough!

    To the rest of the blog, I apologize for going political but I could not let that statement go unanswered.

  124. Hi.
    There are some great jobs that are both personally satisfying and well-paid outside of Reynolds, if you don't mind re-working your resume and updating your skill-set (if necessary). You don't have to work there anymore.

    And no, I'm not a tent salesman.

  125. Bush may have been a completely incompetent president, and he pretty much was.

    However, he can't hold a candle to the new levels of incompetence being displayed by the latest idiot to occupy the white house.

    It isn't even close. Most people are aware of this by now, and the ones that aren't are blind, ignorant, and probably shouldn't be unsupervised around sharp objects.

  126. Wow, could Salt Lake be the new Dayton?

    The sodas are already out of the vending machines... I guess it'll be just water from now on...

  127. BP Oil Spill Death Toll (Obama):
    13 People, 1024 Birds, 407 Turtles

    Hurricane Katrina Death Toll (Bush):
    1,723 people

    but then some people feel an animal is worth more than a human life.

  128. If idiots knew a hurricane was coming, chose to ignore the evacuation order, and decided to stay behind, they deserved whatever happened to them.

  129. Regurgitating someone else's political talking points while you should be looking for work - who's the idiot?

    Just don't look in Jordan UT. You may not be happy.

  130. DT has already hired most of the good people from R&R. Whats left may not interest them. Anyone who has stayed this long is probably a loser.
    Get used to uncle bob bending you over occasionally and smile when it happens.

  131. The above post is correct. Only hand-wringers and knee-knockers left from the old R&R. The folks that have a set left already.

  132. "DT has already hired most of the good people from R&R"

    You can run but you just can't hide...

    Keep moving...

  133. Katrina was the enema that New Orleans needed.
    The place is much nicer now...less crime.

  134. The right people already know who implemented the proxy server and they also know who has been using it, and SAM will be getting the information passed on to him soon enough.

  135. STOP! Psychology won't work. Those people are not educated enough to understand engine-ex. My new encryption proxy cache key directives will go undetected. Infosec is gormless to comprehend algorithms. Now on your knees & emit slowly

    "I AM SAM"

  136. I'm defending "SAM". The server was up for 2 years before they realized it was running. 1 simple mistake from an end-user, it won't happen again. TAC Management = old and outdated

  137. Look out Bobo. Here we come.

  138. Senior Linux Systems Administrator

    LimeWire is seeking a SENIOR LINUX SYSTEMS ADMINISTRATOR to provide server, infrastructure, and application support.


    * Routine systems administration functions to maintain both internal and customer-facing servers
    * Develop and implement standards and processes for change and configuration management
    * Assist in standardization and administration of server farms at hosting facilities
    * Configure and manage performance-monitoring tools and notification/alerting services
    * Design, configure, and tune high availability Linux systems
    * Undertake various housekeeping and reporting functions for the areas of responsibility, including maintenance of shared resources
    * Compose, edit, and maintain internal documentation for IT team
    * Assist in implementing, executing, maintaining, and documenting proper back-up and recovery procedures
    * Participate in product deployments, upgrades, and maintenance
    * Maintain the patch levels of all OS and application patches on all systems using automated systems
    * Support third party applications products used in support of corporate mission critical systems
    * Flexibility to be on-call and occasionally work after hours or over a weekend
    * Specification of new equipment by request and capacity forecasting and enhancement of existing equipment
    * Mentor and guide junior team members

    Ask for Bobby G

  139. North American Bancard is expanding rapidly and is adding an experienced Desktop Support Technician to our IT Department for escalated issues. This position is open due to promotion and growth. We will rely heavily on this person to provide strong support to a 350+ employee call center environment and therefore need an experienced tech that can hit the ground running from day one! Trust, reliability and skill are heavily weighted for this position!


    Description Responsibilities:
    * Provide end user support for Windows 2000, XP, Vista desktops. Linux experience a strong plus.
    * Support Microsoft Office, Open Office, Thunderbird, Firefox desktop applications.
    * Troubleshoot user and system level telephony issues.
    * Escalate problems to next level of support as appropriate.
    * Perform administrative tasks such as performing system imaging, creating user accounts, etc.
    Our ideal candidate will have a minimum of:
    * 2-3 years experience supporting a desktop environment in a mid-size company; call center desktop support experience heavily preferred
    * Basic knowledge of networking principles
    * Excellent decision making and problem solving skills
    * Excellent customer service and communication skills
    * Strong organizational skills with emphasis on detail and follow-up
    * Be able to work M-F, 12pm-8pm
    Location: US-MI-Troy
    Telecommute: No (Onsite Position)
    Contact Name: Deb Fonseca
    Contact Phone: 248-283-6216
    Contact Email:

  140. Well, more layoffs appear to be in the short term future. Rumors from TX suggest ERA product management and whatever is left of ERA marketing will take a hit during this current QTR; most likely in mid to late August into September. Not sure if all of them will go or just a significant percentage.
    Time will tell.

  141. All that is left in PM are spineless ass kissing hold-outs. Just another mere flush and back to business.

  142. Well, one thing's for sure. They won't be making the trip to Texas once the big move takes place.

  143. Is the latest rumor that "THE BIG MOVE" to move to Texas a real reality now? Are they going to shed research park? There can't be more than 1500 people out there anymore. Amazing how bare the parking lots look.

  144. The big challenge is how to deal with the TAC. Once bobo figures that out you can kiss RP and Dayton goodbye.

    Y'all need to figure that out and do whatever it is you ought to. Maybe moving to a state that isn't mired in welfare and knows how to use the death penalty would be a step up.

  145. One thing is certain, Bob the Texan certainly knows how to use the death penalty on all potential new business...

  146. "One thing is certain, Bob the Texan certainly knows how to use the death penalty on all potential new business... "

    New business isn't the only thing he is applying the Death Penalty to, existing customers are leaving, some account manager have been let go and others are leaving on their own.

  147. Tell us something we don't already know...

  148. I like the one where bobo buys Arkona. If he does, at-least he'll get some of his old clients dealers back.

  149. great idea, he should just keep buying up all his competitors until he owns them all. That wouldn't be a monopoly. BA, this is the defiant fag, I still think she's short/fat. Now see what you've started?

  150. Thank you. You're the best

  151. Reynolds once again

    Confidential Employers (Various) Corporate Software Administrator Dayton, Ohio
    Confidential Employers (Various) Customer Solutions Internship Dayton, Ohio
    Confidential Employers (Various) Customer Solutions Professional Kettering, Ohio
    Confidential Employers (Various) Data Center Engineer Kettering, Ohio
    Confidential Employers (Various) Document Sales Associate Kettering, Ohio
    Confidential Employers (Various) Document Solutions Analyst Kettering, Ohio
    Confidential Employers (Various) Network Engineer Kettering, Ohio
    Confidential Employers (Various) Senior Java Developer Dayton, Ohio
    Confidential Employers (Various) Software Developer Kettering, Ohio

  152. Cause she is mean and never friendly
    Or maybe it's just me.
    Love her fat or love her skinny
    Leave her lone unless you're Bobby.
    Enough is enough and too much is nasty
    Eat and sit and eat and sit, oh hell
    Never mind. BA, first letter of each line. LOL!

  153. Cream pies are my favorite
    Oreos and chocolate chips will do
    Lemon drops and
    Lollipops Mmmmm!
    Egg plant and maters, forget that pass them
    Neapolitan ice cream, where's my bowl????!!!!
    (a Poem by the defiant fag)

  154. This is what bobo pays you people for?????

  155. The Company just put out an e-mail this morning that on 01/01/2011 the entire workforce will be nicotine free! Nicotine is part of the annual random drug test and anyone who tests positive for nicotine is out!

    I wonder what would happen if Bobo put this much time and energy and money into keeping and gaining customers?

  156. I know a few folks still with UREY and they definitely smoke. Wonder how bobo plans to pull this off. Not sure that is a legal reason to fire someone.

  157. Ohio is an at will state, you don't need a reason to fire someone.

  158. Ohio is an at will state, you don't need a reason to fire someone.

    True but an employer cannot fire someone for illegal reasons, race, age, sexual origin and others that fall into this category.

  159. Hey, could you copy/paste the nicotine free email here? I would like to see it.

  160. "True but an employer cannot fire someone for illegal reasons, race, age, sexual origin and others that fall into this category."

    True, but last time I checked smokers weren't a protected class. Even protected classes have trouble proving their case these days.

    Pretty sure 'sexual origin' isn't covered either. It's actually not even a real term.

  161. · Effective Jan. 1, 2011, Reynolds will move fully to a nicotine-free workforce. If you test positive for nicotine during the random drug testing (regardless of participation in the medical plan), you will be subject to corrective action, up to and including termination.

    · We are changing the medical plan options we offer. You will have the choice of either a high deductible plan with a health savings account (HSA) or a preferred provider organization (PPO) plan.

    · Also effective Jan. 1, 2011, all associates will be required to contribute to the cost of medical coverage for themselves and their dependents.

  162. Seen any of the latest URey reviews on The most recent two have the co. rated @ 5.0! I think someone taught Bobo & the Fab Four how to use the website...! *lol*

  163. Here's a quote from that pretty much explains the occasional glowing review:

    "I'd first like to point out that a few Vice Presidents made it an initiative for employees to get on this website and give Reynolds (and Bob) favorable reviews. This is just one example of how management tries to do everything it can to control the company."

    As far as the nicotine restriction goes, it isn't just cigarette smokers that are affected. If you use smokeless products such as Skoal you will test positive for nicotine. Imagine having your job at risk because you puffed a cigar at a bachelor party or poker game etc...

  164. Well, we now know for fact that bobo is a progressive. Only one of those would create an environment where something perfectly legal is banned by artifical means. That is how they control the masses. In bobo's case, he hates tobacco. Who knows why but he does. Therefore, he has to come up with a way to prevent as many people as possible from using it. The only folks he can control are employees so they take the hit.

    Here that bobo-shit? You are just like Hillary Clinton and the rest of the progressive assholes!

  165. Its pretty clear what the aim is for the new tobacco usage ban.
    UCS has never hired tobacco users, so who could Bob be targeting? The Reynolds leftover personnel that he did not hire.
    Clearly this is to thin the Reynolds employees and could be a form of discrimination against a certain group only.
    Bob could not have banned tobacco during the takeover because he would have had a revolt. He does not need them anymore as far he concerned reynolds people are under worked, old and overpaid.
    "Hi, this is Bob and if you're a old reynolds employee make easy and quit now. I have always hated each and every one of you. I will not stop until my new company is completely scrubbed clean of people like you"

  166. it is all about cutting costs for the old guy. Costs more to insure smokers, costs more to keep the old Dayton employees who had built up their salaries and vacation etc. If he can add to your misery (ban smoking & junk food out of vending machines would qualify for some) then all the better as a method to get you to quit on your own. Anybody placing bets out there on how long it takes before Dayton Reynolds is shut down? It is rather pathetic that smoking and junk food are the only thing that the employees have to bitch about. If you still have a job and that is your only complaint then you aren't doing too bad there at Reynolds.

  167. Who gives a shit about the loosers that smoke... If lung canser does not kill them then let bobo kick their ass and dump them to the oboma plan. long live the new Reynolds and the troopers that keep on kickin.

  168. Never ceases to amaze me how many 'experts' we have here, on so many subjects, that can't even spell simple elementary school level words.

    It is a very sad commentary on the decline of our education system over the last 2-3 decades, I guess...

  169. Are there any dealers having problems with the new ERA Access? Email me!


  170. This is just the beginning. No motorcycle riding, no swimming in the ocean, no cell phone use in your personal car or anything that would endanger your health or you life.Bob will push the envelope and make and bend the rules to save him money. Some people will sue and he will settle quietly and keep breaking the law. He has always operated this way in the past.

  171. I know it was used to accommodate the Windows 7 users but I get disconnected. I talked to TAC last week downgraded to XP and reinstalled Eralink and I've had no problems since.

  172. Downgrading to xp and installing eralink seems like quite a bit of effort for something that isn't going to be supported in the near future.
    You might want to make the tac fix it, that's what they get paid for.

  173. You might want to make the tac fix it, that's what they get paid for.
    July 13, 2010 3:49 PM

    98% of your problems are user error. TAC can't fix stupid.

  174. You can run windows 7 in xp mode and eralink runs fine. You can download that from Microsoft for free.

  175. Just say your roommate, or your romantic partner, or your carpool member, or your best friend smokes. He can't do anything about second-hand smoke.

  176. "Just say your roommate, or your romantic partner, or your carpool member, or your best friend smokes. He can't do anything about second-hand smoke."

    In that case, you'll probably get a warning the first time, then you'll be told to find a new roommate, romantic partner, carpool member, best friend. etc. that doesn't smoke, or have them smoke away from you...

    If you fail again, you'll probably be gone for putting yourself in a situation where you inhaled enough smoke to fail the test.

  177. "I never inhaled".
    ---slick willie, 1992

  178. Are you more worried about not being able to eat snack food, smoke or take drugs than you are the fact that a senile old man wants to force you to take drug tests so he may humiliate and intimidate you? He is more worried about saving a buck on your health insurance than he is about showing some respect towards you as a fellow human being that deserves to be trusted and to not have be subjected to this sort of violation of privacy when it has nothing what so ever to do with your job performance or safety issues. Personally, not being someone who engages in any of these activities which he deems evil, I was pissed off to have my employer not trust me after so many years. My reaction to these and other intrusions into my private life at work by an employer makes me think of a peeping Toms and fascist dictators. I figured the money being wasted on drug tests and other snooping done by “the man” could have been better spent by adding to our paychecks to motivate us into doing better work.

  179. Re: The company email.

    I'm surprised it took him this long to make the no smoking rule. I'm convinced he has been testing for tobacco for a long time, but is only now wanting to let go of smokers for the mere fact. It has nothing to do with benefits costs and everything to do with controlling people. He can give the smokers the option of paying more if it was just to save on costs.

    It's too bad for all remaining employees about the healthcare benefits change. While the Obama administration is to blame for it, I can say as a former employee that the only thing URey had going for it was a decent benefits plan. I have an OK one where I am now, rarely go to the doctor, but I am paying way more on my medical bills than I was a couple years ago while at URey where I hardly paid any.

    To the "It is rather pathetic that smoking and junk food are the only thing that the employees have to bitch about." poster...they aren't the only things to complain about, they are just the latest things to complain about. If you think it is ok for an employer to dictate to you what fun you are and aren't allowed to have and what you may and may not ingest, then maybe you are the one with the issues. Maybe your parents beat you or were bullied at school, but that seems to be the only type of people Bob Cockman wants working for him. I'd rather live in a box myself.

  180. !!!

  181. Is that really her? Where's the infamous white sweater?

  182. None of this garbage about the no smoking, no junk food, no scuba diving, no M/C riding, randoin drug testing or anything else is about saving money. It is all about shitbag bobo CONTROLING your personal life. He is not happy just fucking you people in the pocketbook. He wants to control your every move... because he CAN! He is no better than a pediphile or a stalker. He gets his rocks off by shitting down your throats, the only way he can.
    You people let him do it and it is YOUR OWN FAULT. Anyone who does that is a loser.
    I worked for the old R&R for 22 years. Within a few months of bobo buying the place I took early retirement. Why? Because, on principal, I would not represent such an asshole in the marketplace. And he is just that. Everyone in the dealer community knows it and anyone still representing him is now tainted goods. I left with my reputation intact snd I wasn't alone in that pursuit.
    What is happening now was predictable and should surprise no one. If you stayed around for this it is no one's fault but yours.

  183. Remember when the bastard first bought the company we were told there wasn't going to be a lot of change, then the rumors started now here we are, most if not all the rumors are true. And, he never stops trying to control your life. One you missed as far as controlling your life is that he told mgrs "no watching the tele" I'm sure if he were able he would try to change your religious beliefs.

  184. no, that's definately not Colleen otherwise the defiant fag wouldn't be able to call her a s/f/b. But, maybe you'll recognize this guy and maybe get her scent too:!/profile.php?id=100000657008721&ref=ts

  185. Yep, bobby-the-GED-adams in all his glory. One of the few smart moves bobo made was in blowing this hot dog out the door.
    he still has not found a job

  186. "Well, we now know for fact that bobo is a progressive. Only one of those would create an environment where something perfectly legal is banned by artificial means."

    Sorry to burst your bubble but Bobo is a hard core conservative. Bobo, like all rich Conservatives wants to pay as little tax as possible and more to the point does not want the government to tell him how to run his company, fair enough. However a lack of rules or regulation gives Bobo the "freedom" to treat his workforce with intrusive Gestapo like tactics. All these policies and the ones that are coming down the road turn the Constitution on it's head, you are presumed guilty until you piss in a cup to prove you are innocent.

    This is not a progressive agenda, it is Bobo being an asshole.

  187. Hey, previous ReyRey employee here. I worked from 2008-early 2010. I moved in late 2009, so I was driving 100+ miles every day for work. I quit and got another job much closer to home. Unfortunately I was laid off about 3 months later. I was approved for unemployment, but now Reynolds is trying to fight it. Has anyone else had issues with having to fight for unemployment?

  188. How do you qualify for unemployment at all?

    You quit R&R, so you are not entitled to unemployment there.

    You got laid off after only 3 months at your new job, so you don't qualify there.

    I don't see what R&R has to do with your unemployment situation at all.

  189. I rest knowing Bobo will have to answer somewhere, sometime for what he's done and is doing to his employees and customers. To all those wronged and to be be wronged read on. To quote the Bible..."He that hath ears, let him hear.."

    He talks to the river of lost love and dedication
    Silent replies that swirl invitation
    Flow dark and troubled to an oily sea
    A grim intimation of what is to be

    There's an unceasing wind that blows through this night
    There's dust in my eyes, it blinds my sight
    A silence that speaks so much louder than words,
    Of promises broken

    If you don't 'get this', trust me, you will someday. That day when the evil hand touches you or someone close to you as it did this long time, devoted employee. As Forrest Gump said, 'and that's all I have to say about that'.

  190. Another song for "Bobo"....

    The memories of a man in his old age
    Are the deeds of a man in his prime.
    You shuffle in the gloom of the sickroom
    And talk to yourself as you die.

    Life is a short, warm moment
    And death is a long cold rest.
    You get your chance to try in the twinkling of an eye:
    Eighty years, with luck, or even less.

    So all aboard for the American tour,
    And maybe you'll make it to the top.
    And mind how you go, and I can tell you, 'cause I know
    You may find it hard to get off.

    You are the angel of death
    And I am the dead man's son.
    And he was buried like a mole in a fox hole.
    And everyone is still on the run.

    And who is the master of fox hounds?
    And who says the hunt has begun?
    And who calls the tune in the courtroom?
    And who beats the funeral drum?

    The memories of a man in his old age
    Are the deeds of a man in his prime.
    You shuffle in the gloom of the sickroom
    And talk to yourself as you die.

  191. RE 11:28 poster. A little history lesson for you: Progressives are not confined to the left. There are and have been many conservative progressives as well. Richard Nixon is one. Our own John McCain is one also. Teddy Roosevelt was the first.
    One part of the progressive platform is a desire to control what others do "for their own good". These folks are much smarter than the unwashed masses and need to be in control so we don't hurt ourselves.
    What progressives are primarily the enemy of is the United States Constitution, individual liberty and personal responsibility. If you think about how the ole' bobo works you can see those traits easily.

  192. to
    Has anyone else had issues with having to fight for unemployment?
    You should qualify for unemployment from reynolds. Bobo can try to fight it but if you were laid off from your last job under good terms there is nothing Bobo can do but pay. Do not let it go, the more people that leave the company the higher his unemployment insurance is. That old bastard!!!

  193. A defiant Bob Brockman on Friday rejected any suggestion the ERA 9.5's design was flawed. Sound familiar?

  194. Over the course of eight short years -- between 2000 and 2008 -- the Republicans methodically executed their plan to transform American society. They systematically transferred wealth from the middle class to the wealthiest two percent of Americans -- slashing taxes for the wealthy. They eviscerated the rules that held Wall Street, Big Oil and private insurance companies accountable to the public. They allowed and encouraged the recklessness of the big Wall Street banks that ultimately collapsed the economy and cost eight million Americans their jobs. They ignored exploding health care costs, tried to privatize Social Security, gave the drug companies open season to gouge American consumers and presided over a decline in real incomes averaging $2,000 per family. They entangled America in an enormously costly, unnecessary war in Iraq, pursued a directionless policy that left Afghanistan to fester, and sullied America's good name throughout the world.

    Their economic policy of cutting taxes for the wealthy and deregulating big Corporations failed to create jobs. In fact, over his eight year term, George Bush's administration created exactly zero net private sector jobs. They inherited a Federal budget with surpluses as far as the eye could see and rolled up more debt than all of the previous Presidents in the over 200 years of American history. And in the end they left the economy in collapse.

  195. Don't get me wrong,the Democrats share responsibility as well. They took control of the house and senate late in Bush's second term and could have blocked some of his agenda/policies. They could have done something about the wars instead of just sitting there and agreeing with everything he said. They agreed with everything back then and now when we are in a mess they blame Bush for everything. True the GOP are not fair at blaming Obama because he just took over and what took 8 years to destroy this economy will take awhile to rebuild and grow. But the direction we are headed - spending more and fighting two wars which we are spending TRILLIONS is not helping. Just like any person who is in debt the first thing they do is CUT spending and start BUDGETING which this government needs to do ASAP.

  196. You clueless libs are so cute with your mindless drivel about 'tax cuts for the rich' and 'deregulation' being the downfall of our society. Yet at the same time support president shit-for-brains and the democrats flushing everything down the toilet with mindless spending on worthless entitlement programs.

    They also conveniently leave out the fact that their policy of 'mortgage for everyone' is what wrecked the economy. Cry about deregulation all you want, but the fact remains that if all those bad mortgages didn't exist, we don't have the collapse. It was the democrats that forced banks to make bad loans, and now we are all paying the price.

    And of course the icing on the cake is the current administration doing everything they can to make a bad situation worse with even more policies that will have disastrous consequences down the road.

    Hopefully they won't be able to do too much more damage by the time they're voted out in November.
