Hello fellow associates.
Normally this time of year there is a lot of buzz around NADA conference. This year I am not hearing anything.
I have talked to a few associates that had to work. They told me that dealers would walk into the booth and have questions about everything, but Reynolds products. Sure the dealer booth was busy, but dealers wanted questions answered more than they wanted Bobo's products. Many of the dealers wanted to look at the products being offered. Then if you watched closely, the dealers would leave the Reynolds booth and walk across the isle to Dealertrack. From what I understand it was amazing to watch.
This is great news if you are Dealertrack, but bad news if you are a URey employee. Just more dealers not happy with Bobo and looking to move on to a different DMS. According to my sources, last year Dealertrack had 9 sales people in the country. 1 year later, they are up to 29 sales people. Tell me that is not growth, in the worst economic time. Reynolds can talk about how great they were, but all the other DMS's are feeding off from Reynolds dealers now.
Don't talk about the past, talk about the future and Reynolds is dying. What I laugh at the most is how UCS thinks they are almighty and can not be touched. Bigger companies than UCS/Reynolds have fallen because of bad management.
The Trooper
So, Nazi Bob thinks he's the shit I guess. We need a rule though. No talking about harming people or giving directions or mapped out images to anyone's house. Use common sense to keep this site from being legally shutdown. That would include trade secrets as well, I would think - but I'm no lawyer...
ReplyDeleteHello to the individual that set this site up. I hope that Trooper will find it and continue to post like he did for years. I will agree that common sense does need to be userd, but once again thank you. I worked for R&R for over 20 years until I ran like hell and I am so glad I did leave. I still have one year left on that stupid agreement that I had to sign, so I cannnot as of yet divulge my name, but next year I will be more than happy to do so.
ReplyDeleteI concur with the poster above. Kudos to the individual who created the second version. I hope it lasts. I had almost 30 years with Reynolds when I bailed. That was over 2 years ago and I haven't regretted my move. While I have over an hour commute to and from work, that didn't stop me from leaving this sinking ship.
ReplyDeleteGood Luck!!
Glad to see the blog is back, anybody know what happened to Trooper?
ReplyDeleteAs of yet I am not aware if anyone knows what happened to the Trooper, but he did a great job on the old blog. He just made a minor mistake and had the pics of Brockman's house posted on the Blog. Who knows maybe it was a technical glitch and Trooper did not see those???? Who knows, but once again thanks for the individual for setting up the all new and improved Reynolds News and Information!! Let the horror stories begin!!!!
ReplyDeleteI agree that bobo probably did not like the house pictures. Shows what a pussy he really is.
ReplyDeleteI also heard from a reliable source that bobo discovered who Trooper is and made some deal with him to immediately shut down the blog in return for not firing him. If true, I am glad Trooper did not get fired but then again I would not trust bobo not to come up with some excuse in the future.
Celebrate the fact that the blog lives and bobo is NOT in control like he thinks/wants.
Whoever is running this now, operate like you are deep inside Iran.
My info was the trooper was found out and terminated on the spot. He was running the blog from Urey HQ in Dayton. He will be missed and did a great job. Best of luck to him in post-Reynolds life. I know I am loving it.
ReplyDeleteKudos for the person that created Version II of Reynolds Blog.... Trooper thank you for all you did... Hope you are ok.... Since I retired the Blog keeps me informed on what is going on with Reynolds...... It's good info...
ReplyDeleteI understand that there were more layoffs last week. Some folks had a week notice & others were informed that they would be let go in 40 days. It's really sad to see what has haoppened to what used to be a good place to work.
ReplyDeleteI wonder if those just laid off were the few remaining employees from prior to the takeover. After being a productive loyal worker for over 20 years at this company, I was not given a notice before being laid off. That 5 minutes to packup my stuff, not being able to say goodbye to anyone and being escorted out the door like I was a criminal will stick with me forever. Goodluck to all fellow victims and remaining inmates.
ReplyDeleteIf the Trooper was discovered and fired on the spot there would be no reason for him to shut down the blog. On the contrary, he would have even more reason to continue it.
ReplyDeleteI do believe the house pictures were pertinent to it being shut down. Perhaps bobo is a little embarrased to be living so well while ruining the professional lives of so many.
I as well hope that the Trooper is OK. And the above poster is correct in the fact that if Trooper had been found by BoBo, and was fired, it would be all the more reason for him to keep the old blog running. Trooper we know your out there, reveal yourself and let us know. I hope that nothing bad happened to him. Now being fired from R&R is not bad, it would be a godsend. But having said that I hope he has not been hurt.
ReplyDeleteJust remember that the industry knows that bob will rather litigate that negotiate. He claims that he has so much money that he can out spend you and force you to give up.
ReplyDeleteI think the trooper was threatened with litigation and that he would end up with out a job and broke. he was probably asked to quit and cease and desist forever or else bob would unleash his dream team on him.
Bobo did put out the warning to employees against visiting blogs from company computers and leaving comments on them about the company. Trooper took a big risk.. But there is nothing illegal about posting info which is already public information such as home ownership (excluding unlisted phone numbers, soc sec#s etc). Too bad the financial details about privately owned companies and their management is not available.
ReplyDeleteTrooper, hope you're out there - give us a holler if you are.
ReplyDeleteCollege station is among those locations with the fastest growing salaries... Dayton likely has the opposite extreme situation. Now with the horrible unemployment situation (especially in places like Dayton), companies can inflict their terror on the employees. No unions, no government oversight, passive employees are going to stop it. Get rid of those who have been around to build up their salaries, benefits, vacations and replace them with cheap kids who are more easily manipulated. Slash the salaries, benefits, vacation, pensions, freedoms and scare the crap out of people with the threat of job loss everyday. Looking on the web you can find plenty of proof that even those employees in Texas as far back as 2003 put up with alot of crap.
ReplyDeleteThe Revolution lives on...
ReplyDeleteHeard more FE's and CTP's were let go couple of weeks ago.
ReplyDeleteYes they continue to layoff on a monthly basis.
ReplyDeleteStill side stepping them i am currently working for Adolf and his henchmen. Soon he will have No one left fom the old company. Just mindless UCS robots getting thrown out of reynolds Dealerships as they walk in spouting i need a PO to continue to provide any type of service!
Dealertrack is in an agressive hiring mode right now. I heard they are adding about 20 more sales reps in strategic locations to target specific R&R markets.
ReplyDeleteAs the auto business cranks back up dealers will be more willing to make these changes and these folks want to be ready to take their share.
Not good for UREY.
Anybody that has information and wishes to stay anonymous is free to contact me via any means. I will not divulge any information as to the identity of the person providing information.
ReplyDeleteWe all know that "BoBo" is a tyrant
So i understand that some people have been caused pain by his decisions that have directly affected their lifes. With that said
Lets avoid anything that would allow him to silence us. Lets get him where it really hurts him.. His Greedy pockets!!!!
We can accomplish this by getting the word out to as many people in the industry as possible especailly his clients.
I for One will never be Silenced by anyone!!!
Not even an ownerous Employement contract will stop me !!!
I know what everybody is saying "aren't i afraid of being sued?"
Nope!! First he will need to prove i did it!! And even then i'am not afraid!!!
If the Government can't take my right of free speech how can he!!!!
So those out their with information to help the cause don't be afraid!!!
At the same time take some measures to avoid being identified!!!
Remember that this government has leaks everyday that can't be traced or identified and those leaks help improve this governement everyday!!
Happy Easter to all!!!
I'm not sure if "Trooper" is still responding at his old email address:
True enough that being anonymous is safe. However, I'd add another wrinkle to this. If you are an R&R employee DON'T log onto the blog from a company computer or the company network. Bob is within his rights as the owner of those devices and N/W to restrict access. he cannot, repeat CANNOT, restrict your access outside the company system. So, logging in from home, your own laptop on any outside wifi, or any other way not connected with R&R is not only COMPLETELY LEGAL but completely safe. Bobo cannot wiretap your home. He would be locked up in jail for such a thing, if he could. And he damn well knows it.
ReplyDeleteSo, with those rules well known, it is time to start beating his head against the wall once again. Enjoy!
Just found RR Blog #2 this is great thanks to the person who picked up it up. If this gets shut down there will be #3 then #4 and so on and so on. Hey Bobo stick it in your 10 gallon hat
ReplyDeletePer attached article from Automotive News dates April 1, wonder why BoBo has to borrow 1.9 Billion. This is not an April Fools joke.
ReplyDeletethis is the attached article
Thanks for posting the link to the AN article above. Certain proof that bobo has not had the success he predicted when he originally bought the company. In fact, this loan is within a half billion of what the original was which should finally shut down the "bobo brigade's" claims that he paid everything off the first six months!!
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, this loan will not get paid off either. As brockman continues to destroy the reputation of the company and he loses even more dealers he will eventually have to either refinance again or give up the charade.
What's it going to be nazi-bob?
I love it - could be that Bobo bit off more than he can chew, and now he's going to choke on it. What an asshat.
ReplyDeleteGlad this has been ressurrected. Been reading the blog a while and sure missed it. Of course, I haven't missed the almost slanderous/libellous comments and the political BS. Let's keep common sense when posting here, esp. any current URey Associates posting here.
ReplyDeleteJust heard that Candy Maloney left Rey on her own....
ReplyDeleteThis is my first post ever on either of the 2 blogs. Layoffs have been a constant happening for the last 4 years or so. We have all lost many friends since then. We continue to call them layoffs but infact they are terminations. A layoff is something a factory does when inventory becomes too great or when the factory needs to retool for a new product. A layoff happens in construction when there are too many workers to support the current projects. In these cases, the employees come back when the demand for the product or service returns. With this company, no one seems to come back so layoff is not an accurate term. Termination is the correct term. One thing that continues to amaze me is how quiet these terminations are kept. Unless the terminated individual is in your area it usually remains unknown to the rest of the remaining workers so we dont really have a good picture of the scope of terminations. I submit that the names of people who are terminated or leave on their own should be posted here. If you are uncomfortable with posting names, then just post the first name and position/location so the rest of us have an idea who has gone. This would make the new blog much more informative and also be a great source of information.
ReplyDeleteGreat for Candy Maloney! There's a woman who stands up for what she believes in. How can ANYONE believe in Bobo and his hired henchmen? I'm glad Candy had the balls to stand up for herself. You go girl!
ReplyDeleteTo the above post.... I agree.. If Candy had balls she would have been a King
ReplyDeleteCandy you did so much for Rey. They do not deserve you. Find a job that needs your talent
ok... I can't stay silent any longer. Who is Candy Maloney?
ReplyDeleteI bet she bolted because of the new reporting system sales got slammed with. My guess is many long time experienced R&R account managers will leave over this. Ron Lamb is a complete fool for having supported this debacle. He knows damn well a bunch of people will leave, including his beloved blue-coats.
ReplyDeleteDealers beware: Your future account manager will be a 20 something, clueless robot with zero ability or ambition to assist your needs.
"Dealers beware: Your future account manager will be a 20 something, clueless robot with zero ability or ambition to assist your needs."
ReplyDeleteNot just your future account managers... your future forms reps, FE's, all support staff, etc. They're all cheaply paid, idiotic robots right out of college with no real life experience. Good luck with that!
You forgot to thank all the very well paid VP's and Directors who are systematically replacing all of you. It is amazing to watch them all prosper while they destroy this once great company. Based on the need for 1.9 billion it won't be long before they have to pay for their sins. What company would hire them based on their actions to date.
ReplyDeleteRefinancing the loan at a lower interest rate makes sense. Restructuring and reducing labor costs can also make sense.. But what is there to be gained from unfairly getting rid of so many experienced good employees, while still retaining many incompetent & unethical managers, and doing away with processes or departments which have served a purpose for so many years? The fact that so many higher paid inadequate managers have been retained and hiring of new employees continues speaks for itself. How can one rationalize such huge losses from paying out severance, vaca pay, higher unemployment insurance taxes, H.R. and management's extra workload to terminate then rehire new people as replacements, and training new employees. Never mind the continual disruption, mistrust, and pain caused to all the employees and even the spill over into the community and customer base. Will the bottom line really look that much better in the end?
ReplyDeleteMet with banks on Tuesday to refinance or whatever... terminations in Dayton on Thursday. That didn't take long.
ReplyDeleteSo.. last night and this morning more people got let go as reduction in work force..
ReplyDeleteLet's see, 4 years ago when UCS bought Reynolds, Reynolds had just barely become a billion dollar company in sales not profit, the stock was trading in the mid teens and Buzz had just wasted 70 million on RGS Suite. UCS paid 2.8 Billion ($40.00 per share) and despite getting rid of the vast majority of experienced people and all the other cost cutting measures they are now borrowing 1.9 Billion for the 1st, 2nd and 3rd liens. In addition they are losing customers at a significantly faster rate than they are gaining them. Now I am not a financial genius but I just don't see how it makes sense any care to enlighten me?
ReplyDeleteLong time vets Tim Scharrer and Dave Eilerman are 2 casualties that I have heard of so far but there are more from what I understand...stay tuned. Good luck to those guys post-Reynolds. They will both be glad to be out of there....
ReplyDeleteJoann Lusk and Jeanne Boozell too I'm told
ReplyDeleteRunning the company down the tubes must make sense to bobo. He did it with the old ucs first and now is doing it to R&R.
ReplyDeleteHis competitors thank him.
So how many good people have been let go while the stupid managers, their friends and relatives keep their jobs?
ReplyDeleteI suspect that since the takeover a good 2000 classic R&R types have gone, nationwide.
ReplyDeleteThe vast majority of the field support team (H/W & S/W), N/W services, TAC to name a few departments hard hit. The customer center has lost most of it's demo people (but then, there are no new customers to demo).
The biggest surprise has been only about 15% of sales is gone. I would have thought many more would leave but I guess it is hard to find new jobs in sales over the last year or so.
Here is an example of where your jobs and raises are going. Bobo making campaign contributions to weird idiots such as Rick Perry gov Texas.
"Bobo making campaign contributions to weird idiots such as Rick Perry gov Texas."
ReplyDeleteWould you feel better if he was giving it to that weird idiot in the White House?
Just 49 posts before going political. Welcome back.
ReplyDelete“The biggest surprise has been only about 15% of sales is gone. I would have thought many more would leave but I guess it is hard to find new jobs in sales over the last year or so.”
ReplyDeleteI think your number of 15% is way off. If you were to go back to all the sales people who were around when RR was bought, a lot more have left. Maybe the total count is down by 15%, but those that left have been replaced by kool-aid injected 20 something newbies that don’t have a clue about true account customer management.
It’s a crime what has happened to what was once considered one of the best sales forces in the country that Rodger Kitzman built.
I know that just last week two 20 year + vets left
I know 100% of the old guard sales team would jump ship if they could but the beloved non-compete agreement hangs over their head at every turn. Anyone willing to venture into a non-automotive sales job has already bailed.
ReplyDeletealso Steve Neuhauser and Mike Boyle and Christi Witskin - all gone.
ReplyDeleteCarl Goldschmidt given till end of April, Fran Hattner gone next week.I think all of the reyrey field reps are gone
Who are these people? TAC associates?
ReplyDeleteAlso Ken Fullenkamp given to end of April..
ReplyDelete2 rookie's RMCE's left.
Just a matter of time for them and Greg Roll...
So who are some of the account managers that have left recently?
ReplyDeleteWhoa, whoa, whoa....
ReplyDeleteJoann Lusk, Jeanne Boozell, Neuhauser, Mike Boyle, Christi Witskin, Eilerman
These folks were let go or they quit? Those are big-time ReyRey customer favorites. Who is LEFT in the TAC? Carrie Golden? D. Schneberger? Shimp? Eric Kovacs? Mark Filson? Anyone at all? Anyone who actually knew the products really well?
They were let go over the past few weeks...The culling is taking place among the Field Engineers as well.... Must be "Spring Cleaning" time..
ReplyDeleteJoann Lusk, Jeanne Boozell, Neuhauser, Mike Boyle, Christi Witskin, Eilerman all let go as a reduction in force.
ReplyDeleteI heard Joe Fares was fired Monday for running a one-shot on of the Enterprise systems. Don't know the particulars.
Joann Lusk, Jeanne Boozell, Neuhauser, Mike Boyle, Christi Witskin, Eilerman were all RIF'd.
ReplyDeleteJoe Fares was fired on Monday for runing a one-shot on one of the Enterprise customer's systems. Didn't here the particulars of why.
I just have to say this..... Maybe others have
ReplyDeleteReynolds was such a great company before Bobo the ass hole of ass holes bought Reynolds ...not mereged as stated...
If he planned to run Reynolds the UCS way why didn't he just call the company UCS after the merger rather then destory such a great company name as Reynolds & Reynolds.
It hurts me to see what he has done and will do in the future.
The answer is that he thought he could fool them-thar car dealers by keeping the Reynolds name.
ReplyDeleteUnfortunately, they did notice when he began instituting his old ucs policies. DUH! I suppose old bobo thought the likes of lammy-pie could cover up what was happening. Didn't work.
'nuff said.
Other than Joe Fares, the rest were not fired for cause but were part of a 'workforce reduction'. I'm sure there will be more..........
ReplyDeleteAs stated above, Brockman saw two things of value in Reynolds - the name (brand equity) and the installed base. If you look at the path URey has followed over the past 4 years, it is taking the same journey as "Ford Dealer Computer Services" did back in the 90's. Bobo wanted the name and the revenue from the installed base. He then cut everything and anything (anyone!) that cost him money with little to no regard for anything other than his bottom line. After 5 years or so, FDCS was just a husk that was discarded, and the UCS installed base was somewhere close to where it was when he began.
ReplyDelete"Reynolds" will end up in the same place. It's already well on the way...
"Reynolds" will end up in the same place. It's already well on the way...
ReplyDeleteYou are right on and many of us have tried to get the employees to open their eyes! The problem is that once your a mushroom always a mushroom! All that are left will continue to hide under their desk until the grim reaper drags then out to the parking lot!
Heard some URey news/rumors tonight. Apparently, in one of the departments close to my source, one employee disappeared for a few days - turns out he was (successfully!) interviewing out of State! Also, that the heard TAC and CTPs were hit w/ "layoffs" and that NPD is rumored to be next on the block.
ReplyDeleteIt is obvious that the plan is to reduce the # of employees @ HQ to the point where a move to TX is carried out under the guise of it making economic sense, which begs this question: Why did Bobo build the Data Center in Dayton?
To the post dated 4/16 7:53 pm
ReplyDeleteyou are on the money that Dayton will be closing soon. But why did he build a new Data Center???????>>> I guess when you get old and stupid you must think it's the right thing to do... or it's a tax right off...
I hope he sinks deep but, with his money and assests he'll be KING
"Why did Bobo build the Data Center in Dayton?"
ReplyDeleteProbably to make the building worth something to a prospective buyer.
Basically Fucktard agreed to hire 8 full time employees and the city of Kettering agreed to pay for the data center in exchange. The joke is on Kettering, right after the agreement he let 50 people go. So Why did he build the data center? It didn't cost him anything to build it, call it tax breaks or whatever form it came in. It didn't cost him anything to build it.
ReplyDeleteWhy is Dayton still called HQ? There's nothing HQ about it -- in name only. Bobo is still in Texas. He's moved every administrative dept. including Payroll to Texas. There's nothing in Dayton/Kettering that is HQ, nothing. My theory, for what it's worth, is that Lexis-Nexis may be in the market for a new building and low and behold, the Reynolds campus has a brand new data center. L-N building is getting pretty old, they've got all that construction and traffic out there now with Austin Pike project, I-675, and the mall area growing. Lexis used to be in the middle of the "country" and it's not like that anymore. I think after he gets rid of Dayton, L-N could be a good one to take the R&R campus off his hands. Thoughts anyone?
ReplyDeleteComment on post 4/18/10. What makes you think that the administrative offices, including payroll, were moved to TX. What kind of reliable source do you have or are you just blowing smoke up people's butts?
ReplyDeleteJust got an email on the delay of the CMC roll-out at the TAC. Tami, why are you testing 2 weeks before the go-live date. This should have been done over 3 months ago. Let someone else implement this project.
ReplyDeleteWhen you create your tests first, before the code, you will find it much easier and faster to create your code. The combined time it takes to create a unit test and create some code to make it pass is about the same as just coding it up straight away.
Hey new Trooper, are you ever going to change the front page or start a new discussion or just keep adding comment after comment to this thread? If it not current what is the point. NADA is ancient history. Maybe switch to a different Iron Maiden album cover as well. I always enjoyed the artwork on Powerslave, lol.
ReplyDelete"You are right on and many of us have tried to get the employees to open their eyes! The problem is that once your a mushroom always a mushroom! All that are left will continue to hide under their desk until the grim reaper drags then out to the parking lot!"
ReplyDeleteHey, King of the Ass-clowns!!! Glad you finally made it -- we were all waiting for a moron like you to use the term "mushroom"!! Well done!
I think though, on this new blog, we should change your name to "Captain Dipshit". Yes, that has a nice ring to it.
Do you still have that big beer gut?
This is Candy Maloney and I have finally decided to post a comment on this blog and follow it publically. I decided to take control of my life and health and "constructively discharged" myself from Reynolds on April 2, 2010 - 2 years, 6 months and 1 day after I assumed an Account Manager position. I was notified I was being demoted from my RSD position to an Account Manager in August of 2007. For 27 years I bleed Reynolds Blue but after the acquisition, the act of discrimination and the continued retailiation that I have undergone I found my blood no longer was bleeding blue and my excessively high blood pressure caused by the ongoing stress created by the work environment was too much to take.
ReplyDeleteSome of you know, but many of you don't that I filed for Arbitration (AAA) as required by our Employment Agreement in February of 2008. The arbitration continues... It is extremely expensive but I am fighting for what is right!!!
I am saddened by what has happened to our once great company and I wanted you all to know that at least one of us is fighting back and I am making it public.
It is my right to post on this blog and I ask that all of you post using your names. Why are we hiding?
BTW --- I just opened my candymaloney Twitter account and am having problems posting my profile picture. If anyone would like to contact me feel free to twit to candymaloney or send me an email at candymaloney@comcast.net.
GO Candy GO !!! Good for you. I wish I had the money to fight Bobo but here I am almost a year and a half later and still unemployed. 50+ year olds have a difficult time finding work.
ReplyDeleteFYI for everyone, once Bobo lets you go, te employment agreement is null and void. You can not take trade secrets to a competitor, but you can certainly go work for them.
Some of you have commented on who in Sales have left... I know that Kevin Schneider and Rick Altvater recently found jobs and have escaped. It is also my understanding that Kevin Flansberry has left. I had 9 AM's in Chicago before the sales integration of them Don Banke, Jim Hummel and Kevin Schneider found jobs and got out. Lisa Brewer was let go (female of course). If it wasn't for the economy I am sure all of the good ones would already be gone. Everyone is looking.
ReplyDeleteSome of the posts here are completely ignorant. All of payroll for the US resides on the first floor of building 2 in RP- not in Texas.
ReplyDeleteAnd the Datacenter was built to house a half dozen other rented sites across the country- it is a money savers, dunces.
ReplyDeleteGive em hell girl. If I can be of any help to you at all just let me know. I have been gone for 6 months ... still looking for work which for people my age is normal. All I have to say at this point is life is good.
Mike Taylor
Oh and I got a call from a friend who told me that all the empoyees @ RU were told that as of September they were done ... well except for Phil Jesse and his band of merry men.
hi from Sue Webber
ReplyDeleteFirst of all, Candy you are a hell of a person and I wish you well. I met you your first day at RNR in North Hollywood and have followed your life and dreams for 20+ years or so. If anybody can win against this monster you can. I read the recent posts and it makes me cry reading all the names that are gone. After 35 years of "bleeding blue", I was also laid off.In April 07 I was told that Sept 07 would be my last day with RNR. that was a death to me...at 53 years old NOW WHAT.. I am still looking for a job...even though RNR has taught me many excellent skills, its hard to prove that in a interview or resume, I am just another face in the millions who are fighting to stay alive in this horrible time.... my heart goes out to all those who are left working under that dark cloud.. thanks Sue Webber
Hi From Sue Webber,
ReplyDeletecan somebody tell me how to get the RubberDucky changed to my real name..email me at suewebber@aol.com...i went thru all the procedures (i thought) but when I posted it sez rubberducky.....
Well I am going to make my point to be heard here as well. A few of you may know me, others may not. This is Tim Patnode, and I have been following this blog since it began. I was a Field Installer out of Wisconsin, and began my journey at Reynolds by way of the purchase Coin Dealership Systems that was purchased by Reynolds many years ago. I stuck with Reynolds until 2007, and could no longer take the rash of crap the UCS dished out. Brockman is taking Reynolds to the toilet, and he never had a clue as to the great find he had purchased. He is dismantling Reynolds piece by piece and then it will be but a shell of itself. Good to hear from Sue and Candy out here, and since I have been gone for over 2 years, I do not care if Brockman knows it is me. Candy you go get the morons who bent you over, and give them hell!! Good luck to you.
ReplyDeleteOh and I almost forgot. If any of you are interested I have a very short story about how I left R&R. I went for my review in late 2006. Received nothing but praise from my manager, and after a real great review, was told thank you for all your hard work, you will not get any more money, but please continue with your great work ethic. One of the dealerships that I had installed R&R systems several time over many years, had asked me to come and work for them as they needed an IT person. So I had to give it some thought. I was 47 years old at the time, and after 20 years at R&R it was a difficult decision. I put them on the back burner as my soon to be boss was more than happy to give me all the time I needed to make a decision. In December of 2006, my manager at R&R was courting me for the Supervisor position in our area. I was tempted (More Responsibility, More Stress, work more hours, loose overtime pay, and still get paid the same salary) hmmmm well it was still tough to leave after 20 years, but around Christmas I took my 2 weeks’ vacation and really thought about it. On my day before I came back from vacation. I made my decision to leave R&R, and Monday morning I had my resignation letter ready to email to my manager. Woke up and my frigging Internet was down!!! Was this a sign? Then I remembered that stupid Verizon wireless card that R&R gave us. Well I plugged it in, for the 1st time, and all I can say is thanks R&R for supplying me the card. Maybe it was meant to be. I sent off the email and heard from my manager in less than 10 minutes. His 1st words were, "Your Kidding, Right?" I said no, and well the rest is history. I left 2 weeks later, and began my new job as IT Director the next day. Now I get to play with all the fun stuff. Microsoft Exchange 2007, Call Manager, Unity Voice mail, Active Directory, Group Policy, IP Telephony. You know real world stuff that R&R does not seem to understand. Well I am still at the same place, working my butt off, learning new stuff every day, and having a blast learning it all!! Have a good one and I hope that all of you can find your way out of R&R soon, on your own terms.
ReplyDeleteTim Patnode
I have know idea who is running this Blog but, it's a real pleasure to read what is really happening inside R&R and former employees making true comments.. I hope that this continues and you keep the BS out of this Blog.
ReplyDeleteMy son sent me the link for the new Blog so I've been busy reading all the posts. Can't believe what all I've read. I injoyed reading Trooper's Blog but it got to carried away with crap so didn't even care if I read it. Trooper did a good job and I hope he is doing okay and pushing forward like he did on the Blog.
ReplyDeleteI was with R&R for 37 years (in the field), just before UCS bought out Rey. I decided to retire in 2004. It was rough the first weeks not being on the road or gone for a week or two, but it turned out to be the best thing that I did. I loved hearing about and from Candy on this new Blog. Also good to hear of the names that I knew for years with Reynolds. What a great life of 37 years with R+R that I had, compared to what happened to it after Bobo & UCS. I loved every day of the old R&R.
Is Scott Adams the Trooper?
Hi from Sue Webber,
ReplyDeleteTim so glad to hear from you and that you are still working and better yet enjoying it. I have move to the Central Coast (Lompoc)...I have been doing lot of camping at the beach and visiting relatives... I have applied for over 150 jobs over the last two years...of those, one face to face interview and 2 phone interviews...very frustrating. I have decided to start my own business of professional organizer....should be up and running in a couple of months.....nothing to lose at this point.. take care Tim.... thanks Sue Webber..email me your personal email address at suewebber@aol.com....
So who is left in the TAC? I got laid off from there after more than 20 years and now having hell of a time finding work in Dayton being over 50 years old. Even the stupid managers admitted that Bobo told the managers they could fire anyone they wanted without any of the old restrictions or procedures which they used to have to go through before getting rid of employees. So managers get rid of who ever they don't like without work related reasons. Personally, I think they got rid of anyone who they didn't like, the worst workers, people who had been around for a while making more money, or where they completely eliminated departments, groups, job positions such as TAC backline. But I am not sure that they necessarily got rid of anyone closer to or older than 60. Does anyone else know about this?
ReplyDeleteWell I am 58 is that close enough?
ReplyDeleteThis is Candy again and I need to post a retraction... Kevin Flansberry is still with Reynolds (My mistake) it was Bob Newton that retired.
ReplyDeleteI also heard that the Reynolds Software Education Department will operate exclusively from the Houston office. All SED positions in Dayton will be eliminated as a result. It is expected that this will be completed no later than September 10, 2010. Over the next several months, they will be transitioning all classes and projects currently being worked on in Dayton over to Houston-based SED associates. Two Dayton SED associates, Jack Walker and Steve Birchmeier, have already left Reynolds. The rest of them will be leaving as soon as their projects finish up.
Closer to 60 = more years with R&R = higher pay
ReplyDelete= terminated
Simple Bobo math
Any news on the IDS side? Is the CRC system in place yet?
ReplyDeleteI was a manager at 62 and they asked me to leave. No big deal I was ready.. By the way when the lay off's came we as managers had no say on who to lay off.. It was a diretive from the VP.... I fought not to lay off certain people and I was told to shut up and do what you are told to do.... Trust me....
ReplyDeleteMore Field layoffs last week. Heard Colby Watson and Wanda Moyle were let go. Good luck to them!
ReplyDeleteWhen you terminate all the workers, the supervisors and managers come next. Then who runs the asylum?
ReplyDeleteyou are correct about the Software Education Department! I was just laid off from Reynolds last week after 10 years ....They have all ready started internal training via web conferencing. No internal training is going to be done in Dayton any longer.
As most of you , I missed a lot of holidays and special family events for the family of Reynolds that once was...
Is Leo Dunin the trooper?
ReplyDeleteI think the trooper works in house keeping.
ReplyDelete>I was a manager at 62 and they asked me to leave. No big deal I was ready. By the way when the lay off's came we as managers had no say on who to lay off.. It was a directive from the VP.... I fought not to lay off certain >people and I was told to shut up and do what you are told to do.... Trust me...
ReplyDeleteI do believe I know this poster and yes, we knew you had no choice and fought hard for us. Thank you C, we appreciated it.
As has been said many times, Reynolds WAS a great company to work for. It is a shame to see something good torn down.
I see that NADA did a DMS satisfaction survey this year and results were down across the board. Anyone know where URey came in?
First of all major providers same as always
ReplyDelete"Any news on the IDS side? Is the CRC system in place yet?"
ReplyDeleteI don't know what either of those are. Can someone explain?
you people need to either give it up or move on
ReplyDeleteLeo is not the trooper - we all know who the trooper is right J?
ReplyDeleteThese comments suck
ReplyDeleteColby Watson, like the cheese only sharper? Let go? no!! What a trip he was to work with in the tac, pretty good kid, kinda hyper. J
ReplyDelete" you people need to either give it up or move on April 27, 2010 8:34 PM
ReplyDeleteThese comments suck April 27, 2010 10:26 PM "
You dildos just keep coming back though don't you?
They say ev’rything can be replaced
ReplyDeleteYet ev’ry distance is not near
So I remember ev’ry face
Of ev’ry man who put me here
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released
They say ev’ry man needs protection
They say ev’ry man must fall
Yet I swear I see my reflection
Some place so high above this wall
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released
Standing next to me in this lonely crowd
Is a man who swears he’s not to blame
All day long I hear him shout so loud
Crying out that he was framed
I see my light come shining
From the west unto the east
Any day now, any day now
I shall be released
Bob Dylan?
ReplyDeleteSo I was sitting in my cubicle today, and I realized, ever since I started working, every single day of my life has been worse than the day before it. So that means that every single day that you see me, that's on the worst day of my life. (Office Space)
ReplyDeleteSounds like you can't wait for tomorrow.
ReplyDeleteI was with Reynolds for almost 32 years and loved every minute until the takover wherein my job as manager was to scrutinize and find / report what associates were doing wrong and then make a case to get rid of them. It was a very negative role with all the micro management practices being forced on the once was a "positive reinforcement" policy. After being let go and (found employment after 5 months) I still here from customers and former employees and existing employees at R&R that the culture change to UCS directives was and is unbearable. Customers have felt the same thing and are having no choice but to find something better. Being under the umbrella as "management puppets" it was and is still true. No choice at the time but try to avoid the inevitable "layoff" to get a severance or something. I was 54 at the time and no opportunity to get an extension on any benfits with just 4 more months till 55. So, my suggestion is hang on if you don't have anything else but continue to find a way out of this "sunk ship" and best of luck. Those still in management - it's not necessarily your fault for what you're being asked to do and being blamed for - as you have no say - just hanging on.
ReplyDeleteThere was more layoffs today, I heard Debbie Stutz.
ReplyDeleteOMG.... 5 days without a post...
ReplyDeleteare all Reynolds associates gone???
I guess everything that can be said, has been said!
ReplyDeletejaws music followed by, "where's trooper jr." bomp bomp bomp bomp! doodly-doo, bomp bomp bomp bomp bomp !!!
ReplyDeleteanother Joe-ism.
I was a fellow Director and worked with Candy Maloney.. she was at best mediocre.. no skills,large mouth, no vision.. enough said.. company better off with her gone.. I left on my own 5 years ago because of people like her..
ReplyDeleteSorry, but company could never move forward with people in roles that were over their heads likes she was.. never looked back and to this day still always glad I did.. shes should have been gone years before..
Know your rights!! Bobo plays on peoples ignorance. Talk to an attorney about the clause and you’ll find the loop holes as I did. Over 2 years and I still sing “Cant touch this” everyday.
ReplyDelete"Know your rights!!"
ReplyDeleteCare to share the 'loop holes' with us?
"I was a fellow Director and worked with Candy Maloney.. she was at best mediocre.."
ReplyDeleteSounds like sour grapes to me. You must be a male that couldn't handle a female in a dominant role...
Looking for Loop-holes
ReplyDeleteTalk to a lawyer. Ask them to explain how agreements like these work in your state.
In the past two days, I met two former URey'ers working at an obvious competitor.
It can be done. Get good counsel.
Although I only knew Candy casually it is terrible that you would take a shot at her like that. Easy to do that sort of thing on this forum. There are alot of mediocre people working at R&R. That doesn't make them bad workers or people.
ReplyDeleteFor the record, Candy Maloney is one of the most principaled, ethical & generous people I have ever met and had the pleasure to work for and with for over 17 years. She truly cared 24/7 about her customers, employees, cross-functional workgroups and always kept everyone's goals in consideration. (Everyone is entitled to their opinion of course, and this is mine). Rey doesn't know or doesn't care what they have lost in many, many "Alumni" - everyone lacks some skills or may be "mediocre" regarding others - that is no reason not to recognize and leverage their strengths - and definitely not a reason to make negative statements about them in a public forum.
ReplyDeleteThe world of Reynolds is about to end...
ReplyDeleteWow...these comments have certainly taken a toll. I am a displaced worker (2-1/2 yrs.) in the Dayton area. After many attempts of applying for jobs, I've had very little success. Just yesterday, my ears perked up after applying for an Automotive Software Training position with Reynolds. To my amazement, I actually received an e-mail today stating that they were "very interested" in speaking with me and provided me a number to call.
ReplyDeleteI decided to do a bit of research first and BAM!!! OMG...the blogs, not just on this site, are mind-boggling and soooo depressing. Your words emit the disappointments and betrayal felt from many years of service and dedication to this company and I feel your pains.
I've worked in corporate for many years and gone through RIF's and restructing myself. Needless to say, I will continue to hope, wish and pray for all of you, as well as myself, since I will not be calling the 800#. Besides that...I smoke...wouldn't have worked anyway. Thanks for saving me the call!
Two months without a comment.
ReplyDeleteWhy not resurrect this blog with some news about the latest. Anyway aware of the latest victims (Lay-offs)?
has anyone been released from employment agreement after being fired by r&r? if so, how?
ReplyDelete(has anyone been release from employment agreement after being fired by r&r? if so,how?)
ReplyDeletePlease clarify what you mean by this question.
If fired, I would assume you're automatically released from your employment agreement.
The non-compete states that it applies to following situations: leave by choice, reduction in force or let go for cause. Was let go due to sales performance.
ReplyDeleteOK...you're referring to the non-compete clause.
ReplyDeleteI'm sorry I can't answer. I don't know anyone who were released from their agreement. Hopefully...someone else out there maybe able to shed some light on this.
thanks, thought i had read earlier that someone was released. hopefully someone else checking blog and can provide some info.
ReplyDeletethis "nada status" blog is old. may want to go to http://reynoldsinformationtwo.blogspot.com
ReplyDelete(this will take you to the main R+R blog). Several new blogs created since this old nada status blog; may find some valuable information that may or may not answer your question. Good luck!
Only Salesmen bleed
ReplyDeletescrew you Bob
Black eyes all of the time
Don't spend a dime
Clean up this grime
And you there, down on your knees, beggin' me
Please, come watch me bleed.....
Only salesmen bleed.