Hello fellow associates.
Normally this time of year there is a lot of buzz around NADA conference. This year I am not hearing anything.
I have talked to a few associates that had to work. They told me that dealers would walk into the booth and have questions about everything, but Reynolds products. Sure the dealer booth was busy, but dealers wanted questions answered more than they wanted Bobo's products. Many of the dealers wanted to look at the products being offered. Then if you watched closely, the dealers would leave the Reynolds booth and walk across the isle to Dealertrack. From what I understand it was amazing to watch.
This is great news if you are Dealertrack, but bad news if you are a URey employee. Just more dealers not happy with Bobo and looking to move on to a different DMS. According to my sources, last year Dealertrack had 9 sales people in the country. 1 year later, they are up to 29 sales people. Tell me that is not growth, in the worst economic time. Reynolds can talk about how great they were, but all the other DMS's are feeding off from Reynolds dealers now.
Don't talk about the past, talk about the future and Reynolds is dying. What I laugh at the most is how UCS thinks they are almighty and can not be touched. Bigger companies than UCS/Reynolds have fallen because of bad management.
The Trooper